"The Strongest Hitman is Back"

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Hi! And Bye! XD  Hope you will like this....
Oh, and btw, please ignore my wrong grammars....


A certain man with a fedora hat came out of the plane.
"I'm back, Dame-Tsuna..." he muttered then began his way to the Sawada household....

Back with Tsuna and the others

Tsuna glared at his enemies and said.
One by one Tsuna knocked them down and after that, he faced his friends and classmates.

His classmates already went out from their hidding place.. "S-Sawada-Kun." one of Tsuna's classmate said...
"Tch! How many are injured?" Tsuna asked Gokudera. "15 persons are injured Jyuudaime." Gokudera replied while assisting Yamamoto.

"T-Tsuna...I'm glad your fine.." Yamamoto said while smilling to Tsuna. Tsuna looked at him with worried eyes. "Yamamoto.." Tsuna said then Yamamoto blacked out..

"Tch! We need to go.." Tsuna said.
"Grab the unconscious victims..and assist the injured!" He added then all of them helped each other and assisted the injured.

"Heh, Atleast those bastards were so dumbed that they blew the door up.." Gokudera said then all of them went out to their classroom and went to the infirmary to treat the injured..

Back to Reborn's POV

I went to the Sawada household and no one was there..It was silent but it's weekdays maybe they are at school so I sat on the couch and drank my espresso while waiting for them..

Back to Tsuna and the others

Tsuna and his classmates went inside the infirmary and placed the injured in the beds to let them rest.
"Who knows how to tend them or to do first-aid kit?" Tsuna asked and none of them raised their arm , so he sighed heavily and said "Guess theres no choice..." and took the things that are needed and he tended his classmates wound.. Well why wont he know if he always gets bullied and injured a lot? And even the school nurse dont pay attention to him...

"S-Sawada-kun you know how to tend people?" Kaito asked Tsuna and Tsuna turned and smiled on him..."Well why wont I? I always get injured and bullied a lot..." Tsuna said making his classmates feel guilty.."S-Sawada-san, Were very sorry!!" They all said in chorus..The brunette just smiled and said "It's fine guys, I already forgave you all a long long time ago and let us not dwell in the past. Lets just focus in the future...now." His classmates were shocked to hear the brunette's words and smiled.."Arigatou, Sawada-san" They all said..

"Hey, why dont you geys come here so that I can teach how to tend others and you might help me." Tsuna said then all of them went to the brunette's said and watched him carefully. After that they treat the other injured people..

Tsuna went to Yamamoto and Gokudera's side and smile to see Yamamoto already conscious...

"Tch..Yakyuu-baka, you need to be extra careful.." Gokudera said while aiding Yamamoto...

"Hahahaha...Is Haya-chan worried?? Well if yes, sorry to make you wo-" Yamamoto did'nt get the chance to finish his sentence when Gokudera cut him off..
"Tch! Yakyuu-baka! I'm worried because Jyuudaime will  be  depressed if your hurt!" Gokudera denied but in reality he was really worried about the ravenette...

"hahahaha...If you say so Haya-chan~" Yamamoto said..."Why you!!! I told you not to call me HAYA-CHAN!!!" Gokudera yelled furiuosly..

Then Tsuna decided to show up...
"Yamamoto how are you feeling?" Tsuna suddenly asked startlinh the two. " Jyuudaime, Yakyuu-baka is now fine.." Gokudera said.." Glad to hear that.." Tsuna replied back and smiled to the both of them...
"But jyuudaime...We still dont know who the enemies are.." Said Gokudera seriously..

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