"Behind you"

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Heyy guys, it's been so long!!! I decided that this would be the last chapter for this story... But there will be some special chapters. Hm I think there will be 4-6 special chapters about what will happen to the main ship in this story YEYYY R27. Onwards to the storyyyy!!


"I'll be taking him again for some fun"

"Not on my watch." A voice interrupted. Then a clicking of a gun was heard.

"Hoo? What WILL you do then?~" The man asked as he yanked the young don. A creepy smile plastered upon his face.

"Put bullet holes upon your damn face bastard."

And so, all hell broke loose....


Guns was echoing through out the room as both man clashed towards each other.

"Tenth!!!" yelled Gokudera as he ran towards the unconscious teen. Yamamoto then soon showed up.

"Kozo! What's going on here!?" he yelled and looked around.

"Stop asking damn questions and get YOUR BOSS OUT OF HERE NOW!" Reborn snap as he attack the man.

Yamamoto followed his orders and took the unconscious brunette.
"Gokudera Let's go!!!"
"Don't tell me what to do bastard!" Gokudera yelled but still did what he was told.

Now both we're running to the exit.
"Just how fucking complicated can this building be!!?" Gokudera yelled impatiently.

"Tsk, Tsuna hang in there!!" Yamamoto worriedly yelled as he looked at Tsuna's state.

Just then their luck ran out. "HEYYY THE PRISONERS ARE ESCAPING!!!" Yelled one of the man's minions and soon they were surrounded.

"Give it up already! You think you can win against us!?"

"Over my dead body idiot!" Gokudera yelled and prepared for combat. Yamamoto then gently placed the brunette down and was also ready       for combat. Both boys we're protecting their boss with all their might but to no avail, two versus hundreds of man isn't fair enough.

That was when suddenly there was a loud explosion from the exit.

"WHAT WAS THAT!!?" yelled one of the man in panic. Then a low voice was heard. As the voice was speaking, people around the hall can feel the killing intent leaking.

"Where's Tsunayoshi?" the voice asked as smoke was completely hiding the man's features.

"HIBARI!" both rain and storm guardian yelled in happiness.

"He's unconscious and Reborn said to take him immediately to the hospital."

"Then let's go...." Said another voice, guess who?  The pineapple of course!
"But before that Mukuro-sama..." another voice said and came in Chrome.

"Yes, the rest of you take Tsunayoshi at the hospital! Me and Nagi here will take care of this" He said as he tightens his grip on his trident.

"Then we'll be counting on you guys!!" Yamamoto yelled as they went out carrying the unconscious teen.


"Help! Help! Our friend here is unconscious!" Yamamoto yelled as he and Gokudera took the unconscious brunette at the emergency room of the hospital.
The two guardians then noticed something on their friend's clothes.

"Blood?" Gokudera managed to point out. Their eyes widden in horror.

"How!? since when!?"


Nurses and doctors bombarded them as they took Tsuna and placed him on a stretcher. Gokudera was yelling out at the doctors in plea.

"Help him please!"

"Check his pulse, now!"

"No pulse felt doctor!"

"This is bad! Get me the defibrillator, now!"

"3...2...1! Clear!"

"Sir we need you to get outside!!"

"Sir, if you want us to successfully retrieved your friend then please be considerate and get out!"


The whole thing was completely surreal. Like a scene from a movie. They didn't quite believe that this was actually happening.

That a precious friend, was dying....


"AGHHHHHHH!!!!!" An ear piercing cry echoed on the empty hallways of a building.

Only two figures were there. One on the floor, and the other one standing.
"If you still bother MY student, I'll gladly place a bullet on your damn fucking head."

The man gave of a look of fear as Reborn approached him and placed the gun at his head.

"Go die."


With that last gunshot, the man's body went limp and Reborn gave off a narrowed look at the now dead man.

"Nobody is allowed to hurt my property."  he darkly said as he left the scene. As he made his way to the exit, he assed some of the man's men.

"He's dead!!"

"He killed the boss! Run!!!!"

The others or so called men flee as fast as they can.

Just as Reborn was out of the damn building, he got a call.

"What is it?"

"Reborn-san, hurry, it's the tenth...please come to Namimori Hospital..."

As soon as he heard that, he immediately ended the call and ran for the first time...

"Tsuna you better not die on me."



Yo! it's been so long! I'm back and this fanfic is about to end. Just a few more chapters and it's done. My dear readers, I really thought of not continuing this but as months passed by, I saw that there were still people reading my shitty writing. So I decided to continue it.  Also, votes, comments, and follows are highly appreciated so if you could just sacrifice a second to follow, or clicking the kudos button, I would highly appreciate that! Thank you and God bless people!! :)))))

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