"Furious Hitman and Prefect"

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I am terribly sorry..Because the last chapter that I updated was full of misspelled words..And Typos..OMG I'll try to avoid it. (TRY) Anyway, Thank you all for the votes and reads! Well, if you'd like to follow me, then you're free to go..hehehe Follow me, and I'll follow you..


Reborn widden his eyes...'Not again!!' he thought and went straight to where they were...

Only to find an unconscious sky....


"Tch! What happened here!?" Yelled Reborn furiously..
"R-Reborn-San..H-He suddenly collapsed!" Gokudera said while slightly shaking.
Yamamoto went to Gokudera's side then pat his shoulder "Calm down, Hayato.." Yamamoto said softly and the silverette calmed down.

"Tch." Reborn said while shadowing his eyes...

"Look after him.." Reborn said to them...

Then left...


"B-Boss!! This kid is crazy! H-He'll kill us!" Yelled a man while holding a phone shaking.

"Stop this nonsense herbivore." Hibari said then bit the man to death.
Hibari looked at his surroundings and smirked...
He just bite groups of weirdos into death.

Then he heard the phone speaking..

"Oi! What's going on!? What crazy kid!?"  Yelled a man in the phone..

Hibari picked it up and spoke..
"Hn..All of them are dead so shut up."

"WHAT!? What do you mean by dead!?" Yelled the man...

"I killed them..So shut up. If you dare to come here, I'll kill you all. Don't underestimate Vongola." Hibari said darkly..

"What!? He-!"

Hibari ended the call and threw the phone in a corner then walked away.

"Hibari" Said a low voice then Hibari looked where it came from..
"Arcobaleno.." Hibari said..

Reborn walked to the center of the room where Hibari was standing..

"Well, Well if it isn't the greatest hitman in the world and the demon prefect in Namimori.." Said a low voice...

"Tch, What do you want?" asked Reborn darkly..
"Ohhh so you're already pissed?" Said a voice then a man with a black suit went out.

"Stop this nonsense if you dont wanna die.." Said Reborn glaring daggers at the guy.

"Hmm..Let me see, I'm in control with your students life.." Said the man in suit.

"What did you do to him?" Reborn asked darkly...

"Well, Let's see... I already sent my crew there...He'll soon be dead." Said the man and shrugged.

"Tch!I won't let you." Reborn stated..

"ooohhh...Scary~" The man teased..

"That's it!" Reborn said and shoot his gun...Hibari was silent 'I leave this to you Arcobaleno.' Hibari thought.

Hibari widden his eyes in realization.
"H-He dodged!?" Hibari yelled..
The man smirked and took out a scythe...

"Now let me finish you both.." The man said smirking...

He swung his scythe to Reborn and Hibari but both of them dodged it..


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