Prefect in Rampage!!

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With Hibari and the others

"Hibari! Hibari!" said a squeeky voice, hibird.
"Hnn.." Said a certain prefect....
"kufufufu~ I want my dear chrome back.." Said the pineapple..
"Hn. Pineapple.." Hibari Smirked...
"Kufufufu~ Skylark, School freak.." Mukuro said then Hibari's eyes twitched in annoyance...


"Herbivore, shut up." Hibari said then glared at Ryohei.
"Kufufufu~ Where are we anyway~?" Asked the pineapple....

"It's dark..." Ryohei said seriously...


They heard a snapping sound alerting them...
"Who's there!!!?" Yelled Ryohei..

"Tch, I should've killed you all when you were unconscious.." Said a low voice...


Tsuna was worried about Reborn's behavior a while ago...
So he went to where Reborn was...

"uhhhh...Reborn? are you okay?" Asked Tsuna...
"....." Reborn....

"What's wrong with you??" Tsuna asked...
"Tch! Your really as dense as ever!" Reborn yelled loosing his cool...

Tsuna looked at Reborn schock..This is the first time he saw Reborn acting weird...

"Uhhhh.....wha?" Tsuna said...
Reborn facepalm...
"Tsu--- *BANG!!!BANG!!!!* Reborn was interupted with gunhots...

"Kyaaaa!!!! Stop!!!!" Yelled a familiar voice..
"Oi! damn you! let her go!!" Yelled another voice..

Tsuna looked at the place where the screams came from...
Tsuna with wide eyes, looked back at Reborn..
"Kyoko-Chan!!!!" Tsuna yelled and run as fast as he can towards kyoko and the others...

"Tch, why are you doing this to me Tsuna?" Reborn whispered to himself and followed Tsuna.

With Kyoko and the others


Kyoko and  hannah were in the clinic helping other students that were injured when suddenly...
three mafia people came in looking for Vongola Decimo.
None of the students knew who was the decimo except for Tsuna's guardians, kyoko, and hannah...

The man yelled angrily and shoot bullets at Gokudera and Yamamoto but missed.
Kyoko yelled in fear, causing the man to look at her and take her forcely. Hannah saw it and yelled for him to let her go but he did'nt.

Hannah was about to attack those guys when a certain brunette suddenly came in.

end of flashback---

"Sawada!" yelled hannah.

The man was holding kyoko with a knife in his hands under kyoko's neck.
Those other two man were pointing their guns at Gokudera and Yamamoto.

"Let her go!! You bastard!!" Yelled Tsuna in anger.
"Well, what do we have here? You wanna save your girlfriend here?" Said the man.

"Shut up and let her go or else..." Tsuna stated darkly.
"Or else what kid? you gonna yell help? HAHAHAHA you're so weak! look at your face? heck, it totally tells us that you're weak!" Yelled the man.

Tsuna glared at the man.."Did your mom and dad taught you that judging people with their looks is wrong?" Tsuna said....

Reborn was hidding behind a wall listening at Tsuna...

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