"Confused and Dense"

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I am terribly sorry for not updating for days? weeks? Idk but I am so so busy with school works and also our Third periodical test will be on December 15,16, and 17. So I need to prepare...

Atleast I was able to update this chapter...Votes and comments are highly appreciated!
Thanks for the  reads, votes and comments!

Ciao Ciao~



And so, The strongest hitman is back.
Me and Reborn joined forces and beat Vincent in no time...

But because of stress, I fainted and when I fainted I heard my name being yelled...

by Reborn...
Then all went black...I was in an unending darkness...


Reborn's POV

"TSUNA!!!" I yelled as I run to Tsuna's side and caught him before he falls  straight to the ground.

"Jyuudaime!!!!/Tsuna!!!!" I heard screams and then when I looked on that particular direction, I saw my student's Storm and Rain guardians..

"Reborn-san what happened!??" Gokudera asked me while looking at Tsuna worriedly...

Annoyed, I took out my gun...A real gun not leon. And pointed it towards Gokudera..."R-Reborn-san???"

*BANG!* I fired my gun and  intentionally make the bullet not hit  him...

"Why the fuck are you leaving your Boss alone fighting dimwits all by himself?" I said annoyed...

"R-Reborn-san jyuudaime told me to watch the injured persons at the infirmary with Yamamoto." Gokudera explained.

"Tch." I replied then carried Tsuna to the infirmary...

Third Person of View

It's been hours and Tsuna hasnt still wake up...
Reborn was by the side of his bed leaning against the wall with his fedora hat covering his annoyed and worried face.

Then suddenly he saw a twitch on Tsuna's finger that made him to focus on the brunette...

He made his way to the brunette and held his cheeks.. The brunette slowly opened his eyes....

The hitman just looked at the brunette and sighed with relief...

"I see you're already awake now, dame-Tsuna..." Stated Reborn frowning...

"R-Reborn.." Said Tsuna but his voice was a little meh....
Reborn suddenly stood up and gave Tsuna a cup of water.
"Here you need to drink.." Said Reborn to Tsuna...

Tsuna took and drank it all..."T-Thank You..." Tsuna said Reborn just frowned at him.
"You need to be careful dame-tsuna.."
Said Reborn...

Tsuna's POV

'What the fuck is this!!!?'
'Is the world ending!?'

(A/N: My Dear readers, if you are wondering why our Tuna-fish is acting like this because he is as dense as a rock....super dense...)

"uhhhh....okay??.." I said...
"Look Tsuna, I have something to tell you.." Reborn said...
"What is it?" I asked then Reborn suddenly leaned to me so close...
"R-Reborn? Is there something on my face?"  I asked .... I blushed...

Reborn did not say anything and was about to open his mouth when the door suddenly slammed open.

Two voices shouted..
It was Gokudera and Yamamoto.
"Oh, Gokudera! Yamamoto! Hi!" I yelled happily...
"Tsuna  we were worried about you!"
yelled Yamamoto.
"Jyuudaime, you should  have let me help you..I'll commit suicide right away!" Gokudera yelled.
"No! Gokudera-kun stop!" I yelled...
Then I looked at Reborn who had a murderous aura..."R-Reborn?" I asked...

Third Person Of View

"Gokudera...Let me help you kill yourself.." Reborn stated darkly well who would'nt? he was about to CONFESS but they suddenly came destroying his MOMENT...

"hahahah.....That's a nice joke kozo!(kid)" Yamamoto yelled...

"Tch, I'm not a kid anymore.." Reborn said glaring at yamamoto...

"Oops sorry..hahaha.." Yamamoto replied...

"All of you, tell me what is happening here? Why are there people attacking you?" Reborn asked seriously.

"Well, They know that I'm soon to be Vongola decimo and they are planning to end my life in this situation.." Tsuna said to Reborn looking at his onyx eyes...

"Tch, Tsuna howcome you cant defeat them? oh, do you need more tor-tutoring?" Reborn asked darkly smirking like he wants to kill.

"Hiiieeeee!! No! It's just when I'm fighting  with them, I feel like my flames are silently and secretly being absorb by someone but whenever I looked around me, I saw nothing..." Tsuna explained..

"So that's why you fainted." Reborn said..
"Gokudera, Yamamoto, go check on the others...And please see if Mochida is already awake." Tsuna said to the both...They just nodded and went straight on the other corner where the other injured are there resting and healing...

Reborn was left alone with Tsuna and the both of them were quiet.....
"Tsuna, what if I tell you that I love you?" Reborn asked, makig the brunette  wide eyed..
"W-w-w-what?" asked Tsuna blushinh madly like a tomato...

Reborn smirked at that and leaned on Tsuna..."So...what do you say?" Reborn whispered on Tsuna's ear.
Tsuna just closed his eyes tightly...
Reborn smirked and held Tsuna's chin, to make Tsuna  look at him "Look at me Tsuna.." Reborn said to him.

"R-R-Reborn..." Tsuna said still had wide eyes...
Reborn smirked, let go of Tsuna's chin and went out of the infirmary leaving a dumbfounded brunette...

"W-wha???..." Tsuna said while spacing out...

Tsuna's POV

Is it true??? He loves me?? Wait what!? no! maybe he was just messing with me!? ARRGHHHH!!!! Why am I acting like this!? I should not care right? because I love Kyoko-chan right!???? O MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING TO ME!!?

I stood up from my bed and went to the others...

"Sawada-san!!! I'm glad that you're okay!" a certain someone suddenly yelled...
"Thank you..." I replied... I looked around and saw Gokudera and Yamamoto helping each other...
I smiled at the scene...
"Dame-Tsuna!" a voice yelled..Then I looked at where the voice came, and saw Mochida-san...

"Mochida-san!" I yelled while smilling...I went to him and he suddenly...SUDDENLY..hug me...HUG! me....WHAT!!!!!????

"Dame-Tsuna, No, Tsuna thank you for saving me! I owe you a lot!" He suddenly yelled, tightening his grip on me....

'WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!????' I mentally yelled....
While Mochida was hugging me, Reborn suddenly came in...

Then Reborn approached the both of us...
I managed to say..."Heelppp meeh." To Reborn....Reborn just glared at me and Mochida...
Then  Mochida let go of me...
He smiled at me....Yes HE SMILED...

A weird Reborn, Mochida and classmates....just what the fuck?

Leaving me confused....

To be continued....
Tsuna really is dense....


Hi! Sorry for this short chapter...I promise to make the next chapter longer...And I need to tell you guys that I wont be able to update fast because of school...

Votes and Comments are highly appreciated!
Thanks for the reads and sorry for the wrong grammars in this story!

Ciao Ciao~

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