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AHHHHHHH. This is my most popular fanfic of khr.  But I won't be updating any longer. I sort of lost rack of it and... eventually forgot mg original plan for it. 

I don't  even kno how to continue it so... as much as I hate it to admit it,  I won't  be udpating. Arghhhh.  I still love KHR.  And I find it funny how I'm  still caught up with it despite he fact that I'm  already 17. I first made this fanfic when I was 14 and bruh when I read this I kinda feel embarrassed of my writing style before....

Anyways, thank you for the support thay y'all lot have given me during the years.  Sorry,  and have a blessed day/night!

Wokkeeyyy27 (Author) 

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