"Mysterious Voices"

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Since I got a lot of comments about continuing this story, I already got motivated again...Yehey!! :) Thanks guys for reading and supporting this story even though the author is a little lazy....

Anyways, here you gooo...........


"What the hell!!!!!!????" Tsuna yelled as he sat up from his bed and looked around to see that it was around 3 am. "Oh I'm in my room....Wait what?
I'm in my room?? WHAT THE HELL!?" The said Tuna yelled again as he looked around curiously.

'How the hell am I in my room!? What about the accident!? What happened!? What!? Reborn! Where's Reborn!?' Tsuna thought to himself.
While Tsuna was in his own world of thoughts, the said hitman came in his room and interrupted him in his small thinking session..

"Ahem.." A fake cough was heard and Tsuna turned his head towards the source of noise to see what he's been looking for. "Reborn?" Tsuna said more like asked in curiosity...

"What the hell? It's like 3 am and you're noisy." Reborn stated as he stares at the now confused Tuna.
"Reborn, what day is today?" Tsuna asked making the hitman looked at him weirdly. "What? Did you hit your head or something that you even forgot what day is today?" The now annoyed hitman asked his dame student.

Tsuna pouted and yelled, "Mou! Just answer the damn question! Reborn!"
The hitman sighed and answered him. " Monday." 'Monday!? SCHOOL!' Tsuna thought.

"You better get ready now Dame-Tsuna" Reborn said then went out of his room.

"Ehhh?? What time is it........IT's ALREADY SIX!? WHAT!!!!?" Tsuna yelled in shock as he saw his wall clock amd rushed to the bathroom to change and went straight downstairs for breakfast.

-------Time skip ------

'Why does everything looks normal?' The brunette thought as he enters the school....

Wait. ..... 'Where is Gokudera?'
As if answering the brunette's question, a sudden voice was heard.

"TEEEEENNNTTTTHHHH!!!!!! GOOD MORNING!!!!" The said right hand man yelled as he dashed his way towards the tuna. Following behind him was the happy go lucky rain guardian of Tsuna.
'What the...? They're fine.' The tenth vongola boss thought as he stares at them.

"Tsuna, is there something wrong?" Yamamoto asked his friend. Tsuna snaps out of his thoughts and greets them a warm morning.
The trio entered their classroom and classes started.



"Snap out of it! He's controlling you!"

"Tsuna!! Those are just illusions!"

"None of these things are real!!"



"Sawada-san!" Yelled the class teacher as she stares at the brunette who just woke up from his slumber.
"H-Hai!?" Tsuna yelled as he stood up from his seat because of shock.

The whole class laughed at him except to the ones he knows and loves.

"No sleeping in class..." The teacher said then Tsuna nodded his head and the class resumed.

'What was that all about???' Tsuna thought as he stares out of the window.

---- Time skip ----

"Okay, since the bell rang, will be continuing our lesson tomorrow" The teacher announced and went out of the classroom.

"Tsuna! Wait for us!" The baseball freak yelled as he dashed to him followed by Gokudera.
"Bastard! Don't act casual on Tenth!" He yelled....

'Something feels not right...' Tsuna thought again.

Little did he know, he's been living in a world made by mear illusions.

Reborn's POV

"Tsuna!! Snap out of it!" I yelled as I look at my students eyes turn into dull and lifeless ones.
Gokudera and Yamamoto already recovered from their injuries 3 months ago and was with me staring at their beloved boss getting manipulated by the enemy.

"We need to break the fucking barrier!" Gokudera yelled as he takes his vongola box out and opened it and attempted to break the said barrier...
Yamamota takes his sword out and tries to put a scratch but fails miserably...

I turned towards the damn barrier and tried my chaos shot and for the first time, I failed....
I had no choice but to yell hoping Tsuna would hear my voice yelling out...

"Tsuna!!! That world is just an illusion!"

"Snap out of it!"




Tsuna's POV

'What the???'

Ughhh my head hurts...
What was that just now?
Noises? Screams? Voices?
Why does is seem so familiar...?
What is going on?????

"TSUNA! What you're seeing right now are just illusions! Snap out of it!"

Reborn???? Illusions.....


Then it all went black....


Heyyooo.... I know it's too short but I'll make it more longer in the next chapter. If you dont understand what's really happening, there will be more explanations on the next chapter.
See you! Thank you for the votes!
Comments,votes, and follows are highly appreciated! :)

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