~ Special Chapter ~ (part 2)

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"WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING HERE!?!!!!?" Tsuna asked/yelled at Reborn...
"Tsk, Noisy...I'm here to teach you a lesson." Reborn said back.
"TEACH ME A LESSON!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? IN A CARNIVAL!?" Tsuna yelled looking at Reborn weirldy....

'Is he sick or something?' Tsuna thought...

"No I'm not sick Dame-Tsuna."

"Hieeee!! Stop reading my mind!"


The two were walking side by side. Tsuna was really confused. He was expecting some one hell of a torture training but as off now, Reborn hasn't given him the torturing...

Said Brunette was looking at their intertwined hands...

'Okaaayyyy???' What in god's name is going on?' Tsuna thought as he was dragged by the tall hitman. Tsuna, out of curiosity just followed along.

Moments later, somehow, Reborn dragged him to the roller coaster and before Tsuna knew it, both were already seated in it.

This made Tsuna widden his eyes for he is afraid of this ride....


Let's just say a couple of years ago, he rode this with his idiotic father dragging him all along and forcing him into it.

Tsuna ended up in the hospital because of non-stop vomiting....


"W-What the hell Reborn!? Get me out of here!"

Tsuna yelled as his seatbelt was put on. Reborn just looked at him weirdly.

"What Dame-Tsuna, don't tell me you're scared?" Reborn asked as he was smirking at his student. Said student's face flushed in red.

"S-S-Shut up! Just let me out!" Tsuna managed to yell to the now snickering hitman.

"Too late." Reborn stated as the engine of the ride started....

"HOLY COWS MOM!" Tsuna yelled as the ride went on faster and faster and faster....

Reborn was just plainly calm observing his student......

Tears were coming out of Tsuna's eyes as the ride goes on. Reborn looked at his student, amused at his behaviour.
Not long after, on the loop parts of the ride, Tsuna clinged at Reborn like his dear life was at stake.

"MAMAAAAAA!!!!!!! MAKE IT STOP JESUS!!!! HOLY COWS!!! CHRIST!!!!" Tsuna yelled as he clinged at Reborn.

Reborn was really doing his best not to laugh out loud. It was really funny looking at Tsuna.


That's it, Reborn lost it and finally laughed like an idiot. Well, it's not like the other passengers can hear it with many other people screaming as the ride goes on the background.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU LAUGHING!?--- AHHHHHHHHH" Tsuna yelled as he looked at Reborn.

Reborn looked back at him and smirked.

'You damn hitman!' Tsuna thought.

"It's just.... you screaming is so damn funny." He said then Tsuna glared at him. Well, more like pout.

And the ride goes on with our dear little tuna screaming his life out of it.
Clinging to his beloved spawn of a devil tutor's arm...

And the scream of our tuna changed into.....




"REBORN!!!! I HATE YOU!!!!!!!"



And so on.....

The ride was already done and our little tuna went out of it stumbling on his way. Reborn just snickered as he was holding a picture that was taken from the ride.

On the picture was Tsuna clinging on Reborn's arm while tears were forming in the corner of his eyes. One can already tell that the brunette was already screaming the life out of him. And at the picture was also a rare sight of Reborn, laughing....

The hitman took out his wallet and placed the picture in it. He made his way to his now resting student at a nearby bench.

"So, how was it?" Reborn asked as he smirked at his student's greenish face.

"I feel sick....blurghhhh....you son of a...blurghhhhh" Tsuna attempted to say bug ended up puking at a trashcan near the bench that both of them were seating...

After Tsuna did his thing, Reborn stood up.

"Shall we go then?" Reborn asked as he extended his hand to his student.

Tsuna, confused, raised an eyebrow...
'What the hell???' Tsuna thought as he stared at Reborn's hands.

"Hmph! Stupid Reborn! I'm not coming with you anymore." Tsuna said then was about to walk away when he was yanked up by his tutor and carried bridal style...

Tsuna's face turned immediately red.
"What the hell!? Put me down!!" he yelled as he struggled.

"If you keep on doing that, dame-Tsuna you'll really fall."

"S-Shut up!"


And so they both ended up in a cafe near the amusement park.

As soon as they both entered, Tsuna was already drooling in happiness.

"Cake!!!!~" Tsuna yelled while clapping his hands.

Reborn chuckled at his student's gesture.

Reborn ordered an espresso, some chocolate frappe and a strawberry short cake.

"Yum!!~" Tsuna yelled after devouring a portion of his cake. Then he gulped down the chocolate frappe.

"Oi Dame-Tsuna, how can you tolerate on eating such sweets?" Reborn asked as he watch Tsuna happily eating.

"Because their the best! Sweets are the best!" Tsuna beamed.

"You'll get fat."

"Hmp! stingy..." Tsuna said but still devoured his cake.

To be continued....

Let's end it here lololol.

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