~ Special Chapter ~

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"Tsuna! Wake up!" A hitman yelled..

"Five more minutes...." Tsuna groaned and continued his sleeping..

"Oi, wake up!" Reborn half yelled..

"Ughhh....What is it?" Tsuna asked as he sat down on his bed then rubbed his eyes cutely...

"We're going somewhere.." Reborn said as he crossed his arms in annoyance...

"Where?" Tsuna asked curiously..

"Shut up..Just get going.." Reborn replied earning a pout from Tsuna..

"Fine!" Tsuna said then went to bath..

Reborn just smirked and went downstairs...


Tsuna was done taking a bath..

"What to wear??" Tsuna asked to himself..

He took out some long sleeved blue  shirt and some black jeans...
"Welp, it's pretty cold outside better use a scarf and maybe a hoodie too!" Tsuna said then smiled...

After changing, he went downstairs...

Tsuna saw Reborn drinking his espresso....
"Where's Kaa-san?" Tsuna asked..

"She went to the groceries." Reborn said sternly...
"Okay." Tsuna responded..

"Come on..." Reborn said the held Tsuna's hand...
Tsuna blushed by the sudden action and Reborn noticed it and smirked..

"Dame-Tsuna, do you have a fever?" ,Reborn asked then held Tsuna's forehead...
Tsuna blushed again...
"Oi, are you fine? Your as red  like a tomato..." Reborn said while placing a fake worried look while smirking internally...

"Damn you REBORN!!!!" Tsuna yelled to Reborn while Reborn chuckled a bit.

"Anyway, let's just go..." Reborn said..

- Timeskip -

Tsuna's POV

What the hell??? Why is Reborn acting weird? Is the world ending!?


"na....?Tsu....? Tsuna!" Yelled Reborn.

"W-Wha?" I said then looked at him with a curious face..."You're spacing out.." Reborn said then when I looked around we were at the ocean park..

"What the heck are doing here!?" I yelled as I looked at Reborn weirdly.
'I thought this spartan tutor is not into these kinds of things?!' I thought to myself.

"What? I just wanna chill around." Reborn stated calmly..
"Then why bring me?" I asked  him again...
"Part of your training. Now stop asking questions." Reborn while glaring at me...',Okay...I made him pissed....' I thought to myself..


"What the hell!?"  Tsuna yelled causing a lot of people to look at him weirdly...

"Oi, Dame-Tsuna keep quiet." Reborn said while glaring at Tsuna....

"WHAT THE HELL ARE WE DOING HERE!?!!!!?" Tsuna asked/yelled at Reborn...
"Tsk, Noisy...I'm here to teach you a lesson." Reborn said back.
"TEACH ME A LESSON!? ARE YOU KIDDING ME!? IN A CARNIVAL!?" Tsuna yelled looking at Reborn weirldy....

'Is he sick or something?' Tsuna thought...

"No I'm not sick Dame-Tsuna."

"Hieeee!! Stop reading my mind!"


To be continued....


I know...It's short...and This is a special chap...You can think it happened in this story..It's up to you tho...

Voted and comments are really appreciated! And btw , hope you read my new  KHR Fanfiction story that is entitled An Unexpected Change ...I'll make it awesome... :)


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