"All hell broke loose"

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Okay here's the next part :)
Thanks for the votes and follows.
I still can't believe this story has gone this far.

Tsuna's POV

I opened my eyes and found myself in a cell...?
"Ugh~ My head hurts like hell..." I said to myself as I tried to sit up but failed miserably. "AHHH! This sucks! I feel like crap!" I yelled out as I whined like a baby inside the cell but immediately shut up when  I heard a voice calling out my name.

"Tsuna!!? Are you alright!?"

"Gokudera...?" I mumbled as I look around my surroundings...
"Phew...Tsuna, I thought you would kick the bucket.." A fine voice said.


"Yamamoto!" Tsuna said in relief and realization..
"Tsuna!" Another voice yelled and unlike before, it was deep...

"Reborn!?" Tsuna asked as he rubs his eyes...."Why are you here!?" The now confused brunette yelled in shock.
"Huh? What do you mean by that!? We were together since the start!" Reborb unbelievably shouted...
And yes, the said cold hearted and stoic hitman just showed his feelings for the first time.

"Huh?? Really?" Tsuna asked as he suddenly collapses a bit.
"Tsuna!" The three of them yelled as they witness the said young boss wobble but because of Reborn's fast reflexes, he caught the falling Tuna.

"Thanks..." Tsuna said as he grip Reborn's shoulder for support.
"I think you should sit down..." Reborn said as he helped him sit down.

"Tenth, Don't you remeber what happened?" Gokudera asked as he worriedly stare at the young boss.
"No...My head's kinda fuzzy...." Tsuna replied as he narrows his eyes in frustration.
"Tsuna....You were kidnapped and tortured for 5 months." Yamamoto told his boss. Upon hearing those words, Tsuna widen his eyes in shock.
"What!?" ,  he yelled causing his throat to ache...
"Easy there! Don't shout yet...." Yamamoto said as he rub Tsuna's back. "How about we explain our current situation?" Reborn annoyingly spat...
"What's wrong with you? Stingy Reborn." Tsuna said as he was also annoyed on the said hitman's behavior....


"I'll be the one who will kill him!" Tsuna yelled as he attacked the man.

"Heh, getting cocky aren't ya?" The man said as he dodged the upcoming attack from Tsuna.

"What..?" Reborn muttered as he looked at the said mam with wide eyes.
"Seemed like you underestimated me young boss..." The man said as he made a u - turn and stabbed Tsuna from the back..
"Gwah! Ha!" Tsuna yelled out in pain, blood splattering from his mouth.
"Keh- HAHAHAHA!!" The man laughed evily as he saw the brunette falling.

"TSUNA!!!! YOU GODDAMN  BASTARD!" Reborn yelled and was about to attack when he was blocked with a sudden light.

"What the!?" Reborn yelled as he covers his eyes from the shinning light.
Two voices yelled then came Gokudera and Yamamoto.
"Where's tenth!?" Gokudera yelled but stopped as he saw the light. Yamamoto stared at the light then looked at Reborn's area. "What's going on here!?" He yelled....

The light went down then a barrier made its appearance right infront of them...
"What the!?" The two yelled in unison while Reborn just stared with wide eyes showing fear and concern in them.

"What the hell did you do!?" Gokuders yellef and was about to run through the barrier when a hand stopped him from what he was even attempting to do.
"I cast a spell turning all of his world an illusion..."

End of flashback--->

As the four of them we're busy talking, a man made his way to them.

"I see that little prince here is already awake." he said as he smirked at them. When they heard the man's voice, Reborn immediately glared at the said man. "Ho? What's with the face?" The man asked as he circled around the cell and stop right infront of Tsuna.

"I'll be taking him again for some fun"

"Not on my watch."  A voice interrupted. Then a clicking of a gun was heard.

"Hoo? What WILL you do then?~" The man asked as he yanked the young don. A creepy smile plastered upon his face.

"Put bullet holes on your damn face bastard."

And so, all hell broke loose....

To be continued.....

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