"Unconscious Sky"

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Tsuna sweat dropped...
'If you could kill them that fast, you should have helped us sooner...' Tsuna thought.

"shut up." Reborn said at Tsuna.
Tsuna just looked at Reborn while he walks away...

'What is wrong with you Reborn?' Tsuna thought worriedly...
Tsuna acting all weird....just shrugged his feelings off...


"Tenth!!/Tsuna!!" yelled both loud voices. Tsuna looked at those two ajd smiled widely...

"You guys!! Yamamoto! Gokudera! I'm so glad both of you are safe!" Said Tsuna hugging them both...

"Aww....Tsuna is worried.." Yamamoto said and pat Tsuna's fluffy head.

"Oi, base-ball freak dont be too casual on Tenth!" Gokudera yelled at the ravenette..

"Eh?? Did I do something wrong??" Asked Yamamoto to Gokudera...

"Tch..." Gokudera muttered then faced Tsuna and "Tenth, I'm sorry for his behavior..." Said Gokudera to Tsuna then bowed unto him...

"Hieeee!!! I-It's fine!!" Said Tsuna, panicking a little.

"Well then, you guys, I'll just check the whole school..." Said Tsuna looking at his guardians..

"Tenth, let me come!" Said Gokudera with a happy tone.

"I'll come too Tsuna!" Said Yamamoto giving a thumbs up at Tsuna. Gokudera just glared at Yamamoto.

"No. I need to go....ALONE.." Tsuna said sternly then walked away at the two...

The two just let him be...


"GAHHH!!!" A voice yelled and a body fell down on the cold floor.

"Y-You wont s-scare u-us!!" The other yelled...

"Hnn..I'll bite you all to death for disturbing Namimori's peace!!" The certain prefect yelled in anger...
The man and his other comrades yelled in horror as they were bitten to death...

"GWAH!" Yelled the last man standibg and fell down on the floor. Blood dripping on his shirt.


"WHERE IS THE OCTOPUS HEAD TO THE EXTREME!!!!!!!!? SAWADA!!!! KYOKO!!!!!!!!!! HANA!!!!!!! WHERE ARE YOU TO THE EXTREME!!?" yelled Ryohei while running around the hallways...

"Oya Oya?? Do you want me to shut you up??" Mukuro said while his eyebrows twitching in annoyance..

"HUH?! WHAT DID YOU SAY PINEAPPLE HEAD!!!!!?" yelled Ryohei to Mukuro...

Mukuro snapped and....
"Kufufufu~ That's it!! Turf head~!" yelled Mukuro....

"TURF HEAD!? WHY YOU!!!!!!!!" Yelled Ryohei

The two ended up fighting each other...

While they were fighting, they both did not notice a certain Brunette walking on the hallways...

Tsuna's POV

I was walking on the hallway when I heard two voices...


"Oya Oya?? Do you want me to shut you up??"

I widden my eyes in realization and run as fast as I could to where those voices are coming from...

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