"Wounded and Pained"

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Sorry for making you wait these past few days..Been busy with school and SRSLY There were tons of homeworks and other projects!
But anyway I should be happy, because 2-3 more weeks it's christmas vacation!!!! Okay here's chapter 3.

Namimori Middle School

It was 2:00 am in the morning and a lot were asleep. All that can be heard were the snorring of the sleeping students.

But only 3 persons were awake...
They were Tsuna,Gokudera, and Yamamoto.

"So, What now?" Yamamoto asked while facing the two...
"I dont know.." Tsuna said...          "They sure are sleeping peacefuly."
Yamamoto said while looking at their classmates and for once, Gokudera did'nt got mad at him.

"You guys, What do you think Reborn and Kaa-san's doing?" Asked Tsuna worriedly.
"I bet Reborn-san is fine..." Gokudera replied calming the brunette.
"Hmm...I think your Mom and your Dad are having a great time in their vacation." Yamamoto said to the brunette.
"Heh, Glad to hear that...I dont want them to worry or  them to know our current situation." Tsuna said while sighing...

While Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera were talking, a loud explosion was heard....


Making the whole class awake and jolt up from their deep slumber...

"W-What's going on?" One of Tsuna's classmate asked...
"Tsuna-kun..." Kyoko said while looking at Tsuna and the rest...
"Oi Sawada what's going on?" Hannah asked Tsuna, a little terrified.

"Everyone hide!! Someone is coming!!" Tsuna yelled then all of them hide and went inside the classrooms cabinets and other places that they can hide inside the classroom...

Tsuna, Yamamoto and Gokudera was out...Waiting for the coming enemy...

Mochida and his minions did not pay heed to the brunette and was still standing with the brunette and spoke that made the brunette widden his eyes...

"Dame-Tsuna, I know that our current situation is dangerous, which is why, I'll team up with you...Dont get me wrong, I'm just doing this for everyones safety!"

Tsuna just smiled and nodded at Mochida and his minnions before starring back at the door...
All of them were now in their fighting stances...

Then the door went flying....

Man with weapons went in...
"Well, Well, Well, If it is'nt the soon-to-be-decimo...." The man with dirty blonde hair said looking at Tsuna...

"Who the fuck are you?" Tsuna asked with a dark aura.. Tsuna already in his HDWM...

Then another group of men came in with guns,dynamites,and a lot of other  deadly weapons...

"Your from the mafia?" One of Mochida's minnions asked...
"Yup, got a problem with that?" The man with a gun asked pointing the gun at him...

The boy flinched..Tsuna was irritated to the men with weapons..

"Dare to hurt one of my classmates, I'll let you experience hell..." Tsuna said...

"Oi! You bastards! Dont shoot or I'll blow you all up!" Gokudera yelled taking out a handful of dynamites..
Yamamoto just glared at them with hatred and disgust..


Vongola HQ, Italy

A man wearing a black suit with a fedora came in rushing into Vongola Ninth's Office...

The Accident at Classroom 2-A Namimori Middle SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now