"Deadly and Dangerous"

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I am seriously sorry for not updating yesterday because my parents wont allow me to use my phone and told me to focus first in my studies. And seriously, that feeling that I just wrote my story and I accidentaly deleted it.....T-T Now, I'm gonna start over again....


Vongola Head Quarters, Italy

Vongola Ninth was signing a stack of paperworks in his desk..When suddenly, one of his butlers came in holding a flashdrive...

"Yes? What can I do for you Vincent?" Nono asked his butler...
"Ninth, there was this flashdrive outside the mansion..And decided to hand it to you.." Vincent replied while handling the flashdrive...

"Thank you Vincent, You may now leave..." Nono said with a smile..
"Yes..Ninth.." Vincent said and immediately went out of Vongola Ninth's Office....

Ninth's POV

Somethings been wondering me..
I feel like something bad is about to happen....And DANGEROUS...

When my butler, Vincent came and gave me the flashdrive, I felt like my Grandson, Tsuna is in danger....

So I decided to call Reborn up and asked about his mission...

"Reborn..." I started....
"Ninth? What is it? I'm in the middle of my mission...." Reborn replied...
"Are you done? Please hurry and go back to him....I think something is going on there...I need you to check up on him and his guardians..." I told him...
"Yes, ninth..." Reborn said and ended the call..

Reborn's POV

After Ninth told me to finish this last mission, I suddenly felt nervous...
How is Dame-Tsuna now?
What is he doing?
Wait!? Why am I acting too soft?

I'll be back soon Tsuna...

Third Person of View

Tsuna and his guardians were thinking of a plan on how to escape...
Mochida and the rest went on the other corner of the classroom....

"What time is it already?" Tsuna asked...
"6:30 pm bossu..." Chrome said...
"It's already night time..." Gokudera said...

"Where Are we gonna sleep?" Yamamoto asked...

"And where the heck is Hibari!?" Gokudera yelled....

" And Yeah! Even  that turf-top!" Gokudera continued....

"Well that's the problem, We all dont know where they are. And Kyoya would'nt leave the school easily. Even Onii-san wont leave Kyoko and Hannah behind..Mukuro wont also leave Chrome all alone in danger..." Tsuna said....

"All in all, Something must have happen when we were inside our classroom....I got this feeling that the other students and other teachers  hours ago  were just illusions , made by someone.."
Tsuna continued and then all the people in Tsuna's group went in silence....

"Sawada-kun, So your trying to say, somebody planned this things that's been happening from the start?" Kaito asked...

"Yes and I am sure that something happened to Kyoya and the rest..." Tsuna said with a stern voice...

"Jyuudaime, the door is locked...How are we going to get out?" Gokudera asked....

"Maybe we could get out through the window?" Yamamoto asked....

"We could , but how?" Hannah spoke.
"We could use the things here inside the classroom..." Kyoko suggested...

"Your right!" Kaito said happily...
"Let's find something that we can use!" Chrome said....

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