"I've had enough!!! "

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Oh My God...It has been a long long while...Sorry for not updating for weeks..I've been BUSY lately..




Tsuna's POV

5 Months passed , I'm still stuck in this stupid mafia family....Being tortured every fucking time...

I don't want this anymore...
I'm currently sitting on my bed thinking about my peaceful life before...

And I fucking realized something so IMPORTANT these past few months..

I'm inlove with my Home Tutor...
I only realized it now...And I think it's hopeless...

I mean Reborn has the good looks and mind..and there are a lot of pretty girls that he can marry..

. . . . . . .  *sigh..*  " I don't want to think about it..." I whispered to myself..
'Maybe I can avoid him if I will meet him...Maybe that can help me forget my feelings for him..' I thought then smiled sadly...

" I wonder what my family is doing right now??? Are they still looking for me??? I hope they're fine..." I said then went to sleep....


Reborn's POV

It's been five months already!! Fucking Five MONTHS!!!! We still can't find Tsuna!!! 

I'm getting worried! What could he be doing now? Did he eat already???

"Tch!" I clicked my tongue...

My aura darkened and I did not realized that I was in a dark corner in Namimori...

"Strange..." I said as I approached the trashcans...
When I looked closely, I saw a lever ..
I smirked...
"Who is so fucking dumb to put a lever over here?" I said then pushed the lever downwards...

Then by the side of the trashcans, an opening showed up...
I smirked and entered it....

As I entered it, I saw a dark hallway...
Screams of torture were heard...
"What the hell?" I said as I walk , There were doors on each corner....
I think those doors were rooms for their victims....
"Tch, Stupid Mafia family torturing people for no reason...." I said then went forward....

"I can't hear Tsuna's voice..." I whispered to myself...
I didn't care to those people who were being tortured behind those doors...My first and number ONE priority is TSUNA....

Then as I reached the end, there was a huge door....I tried to open it but unfortunately,  it didn't budge...So I took my shotgun out then shoot the door...

With a loud *BAMMMMMM!!!!*,
There was now a huge hole on the door....

Wondering why so big for a shotgun??
Welp, I used my "Chaos shot!" 




"WHAT THE HELL!?" I heard the voice of the person that I was looking for...

"Tsuna...." I said...

Tsuna looked at me confused then widden his eyes...
"REBORN!!!?" he yelled then tears of joy came out of his eyes...

I smiled then hugged him.....

After hugging, I examined his body...A lot of bruises were there and I frowned....

The Accident at Classroom 2-A Namimori Middle SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now