Chapter 7 poem

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"Hey Stef what you writing?" Tea says looking at the piece of paper.

"A poem." Stef responded without looking up at her friend.

"Let me see please." Tea said pleadingly.

"Sure why not." Stef says handing over her paper to Tea.

"What you let Tea read it but not us!" Joey half shouts in Stef's ears

"Firstly don't yell in my ears. Secondly I trust Tea with most my stuff because she doesn't laugh at my poems, unless their ment to be funny." Stef said annoyed.

"Whoa this is deep Stef are you planning to be a writer or a poet." Tea says while reading Stef's poem.

"Heh I don't know yet." Stef says in a laughing tone. But if you saw up close you would see her eyes told the opposite of her laughing tone, what her eyes told was pain, grief, and insecurity.

"Hey Joey why don't you play Stef in a duel." Tea says

"Sure why not. How about it Stef you up for it?" Joey says

"Sorry remember I need to tell my mom first." Stef reminds them, everyone except Yugi and Yami buys it. "Well bye guys." She says walking out the door and then out of school.

"Hey Yami if I didn't know better I would think Stef is trying to keep a distance between everyone. Yugi tells Yami.

"Your right Yugi. I just wish I knew what she was afraid." Yami says with a worried expression.

"You like her." Yugi says with a smirky tone.

"I don't like her like that Yugi!" Yami says growing red.

"Yeah yeah whatever you says." Yugi says chuckling.

"Hey guys Stef left her poem." Tea says

"Uh Tea can you read the poem to us please." Yugi says to Tea.

"Sure I don't think she'll mind if she left it." Tea says

"'The life I live is a hard one

Always trying to prove something

Always dodging danger.

I live for everyone except myself

For this realization I cry tears of crystals

Crystals that enchant my dreams

Dreams of Egypt

That are like a ghost hunting me till I'm insane.

Will no one help me? I'm trapped with all these decisions

What will I do with a these crystals of Egypt?"'

Tea finishes the poem. Everyone is quiet from what Stef wrote.

"Stef would never leave that poem it's to personal." Yami says to Yugi. He nods.

"Hey Tea can I deliver this to Stef?" Yugi says seriously

"Sure you probably know where she lives meet you at the game shop Yugi." Tea says as Yugi went out the door then out of school.

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