Chapter 23

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So everyone resumed there normal routine. Except Stef forfeit all her located cards and scattered them.

"'This is hard on her"' Yami thought to Yugi

"'I know but what can we do she looks me in the eye, but she can't look at you or Joey in the eye for some reason."' Yugi states back

"'Maybe it was the talk with Merik, and when Joey called her your Freakiness."'

"'Yeah but she wouldn't have been able to look me in the eye then."'

They argued about it until they found someone to duel.

They won of course. They almost always do.


"'Why can't I look at them?"' Stef asks herself

"'Have I really fallen hard for the Pharaoh?"' Stef thinks to herself feeling her eyes tear up.

"'This is not what I expected when I wanted change to happen. He came back!"' Stef said in her mind running to a park.

"'Why? Why couldn't this have been a normal move!?"' She thought angrily but sad at the sametime.

"I've really fallen for him hard" she stated outloud

"May someone take me now." She said in a silent whisper

"That can be arranged." Someone says behind her. She looks behind her

"Bakura!" She says fear now taking over

"I see that you know who's in control" evil Backura states smiling evilly as ever

"What do you want from me?" Stef stutters backing away

"Isn't in obvious your powers." He stated a coming a bit closer

"But I don't know how to give my power to someone." She said still backing away

"Well I'm surprised your not with your friends." He states, as Stef cringes

"Evil Backura don't come near me or I'll, or I'll...." She threatened as she prepares to do a blast she then feels a tree stump behind her.

"'I'm trapped!"' She realized

"and you'll do what?, last time I checked your friend is still in this body." He said chuckling grabbing Stef's 2 hands and pushes her to another tree.

Stef just stood there glaring at Evil Backura.

"You can't do a thing can you?" He taughted, Stef looked away in discust, but evil Backura made her look his way again.

"I have nothing you want!" She stated scared now

"That isn't completely true" he said in her ears as it sent shivers through her veins and body.

Evil Backura chuckled.

"Fear is a powerful thing." He simply stated in her ears before licking her checks, she shivered again.

"Let go. I have. Nothing you. Want." She stated again blacking out, evil Backura catches her.

"'The pharaoh was completely terrified that you were in trouble last time let's see how he handles this." He thought evilly

"Backura! Put her down!" Someone yelled evil Backura turned around

"Ah well if it isn't the pharaoh himself." Evil Backura said in a sarcastic voice of pleasure

"What is it that you want from her?" Yami asks

"Your true name." Evil Backura stated. Yami looked surprised

"Your surprised, you didn't think you defeated me by yourself in the past?" He stated laughing

"Well I suppose you did because the scriptures say you locked away a similar girl, with Stef's similar powers." He said stroking a little of Stef's hair. Yami growls.

"Well here then **tosses him Stef, Yami catches her** she's more powerful now than she was in the past, but that can change if she doesn't heal her broken heart." Evil Backura stated

"What do you mean a broken heart?" Yami yelled at evil Backura but he left.

Stef started to wake up.

"Where am I?" She asked looking up

"Oh, hi Yami, hi Yugi." She stated not looking at either of them

"Look we want to know the truth." Yami finally stated

"What do you want to know? Merik already told you why I moved." Stef said bitterly, standing up an leaving. But Yami catches her shoulder and pushes her to a tree.

"Why can't you look at us?" Yami asked, Stef doesn't respond and still doesn't look at them.

Yami makes her look at him.

"Why? You say. We'll ask yourself that question first." She said harshly slapping his arms away.

"I'm trying to understand you but you are so difficult." Yami outbursts

"I'm difficult now. Well that's a relief I wouldn't want 'our friends' to know that." She said sarcastically

"Why are you being so difficult!" Yami stated a little mad now.

"Why are you being so dense!?" Stef replied with the same anger in her voice.

"Me dense? We haven't seen you in almost a week!" He argues

"Yes you dense! And very much at that if you have no idea what's going on right now!" She augers back and leaves.

"Unbelievable!" She mumbles

Yami says the same thing and leaves also.

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