Chapter 11 found again

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Stef wakes up and looks at her clock and falls asleep again. And dreamed of a flash back but Stef didn't know that.


"I put on a silent & a room increase spell on the closet." Stef explains. "Now tell me the truth."

But something happened Yami pressed his lips with Stef holding her, Stef let's him in. And they were like this for a few minutes only stoping to breathe.

"I can't hold the spells any longer." Stef said saying in a disappointed tone.

"Just for the best here." Yami gives her one more pleasure before he touched her head and took away the memories they just shared. If anyone found out she would be in double danger. He thought but it pained him to do it, the girl who might know of his past. And here he is taking away memories. That was to much for and she fell unconscious in his arms.

"Have a good night." He said before he went out the window.


Stef wakes up and falls to the floor. "Ow that hurt." Stef says out loud. Then she thinks I need to fly and think about that dream. She jumps out the window and starts to fly then she lands and walks. and she was thinking very hard when someone tried to muffle her.

"Let go of me" Stef tries to says muffled with a rag. She bites the mans hand and tries to run. But he grabs her and pushes her to a wall.

"Don't try to move or I'll kill you." The man said sinisterly. Stef tries to scream but it only came in muffled screams probably no one could hear them. He tied her up and called his boss.

"Hey leave my friend alone." Someone interrupts. It's Yami.

"Hmm hnn mmmnn" Stef tries to warn but no one understood her.

"Let her go or you'll regret it." Yami continues

"oh and what are you going to do if I dont?" The kidnapper said chuckling

"Duel me and you'll see." Yami challenged

"Fine but let's hurry my boss wants this chick." The kidnapper says putting on a duel disk.

"But first give me the girl I don't want you to go back on your word." Yami says but if you new him enough you could tell it had a hint of harshness in it. Stef shivered at the harshness of his voice.

"I agree to your terms." The kidnapper says as he picks Stef up and throws her towards Yami. He catches her.

"Don't worry you'll be ok." Yami says taking off the rope and the muffler that was tied to her mouth.

"I..I'm sorry I just had to think about a dream I had and..and." Stef starts her face is so pale and she was cold to the touch.

"Don't worry stop apologizing none of this is you your fault." He says kindly. He gives her his coat. "Stay warm or you'll get sick." All Stef does is nod her head but her cheeks were glowing a bright shade of red.

Yami turn to the kidnapper and duels. Yami wins.

Stef start to run to Yami and hugs him crying. "Don't leave." Was all she said hugging him tighter. Yami hugs her back and to Stef's surprise he pushed her close to his face.

"Don't worry I won't." He responds. There he carries Stef to her house, with a little help of Stef's powers they were transported to Stef's room.

"Yami did you have any strange dreams last night?" Stef says not looking at Yami.

"What types of dreams Stef?" Yami asks slightly confused why Stef would not look at him.

"Uhh never mind it's nothing important." Stef stutters still not looking at Yami.

"You did mention that you left because you had a dream what dream was it?" Yami asks worriedly

"It was a stupid dream something that could never happen." Stef says trying to hold back a blush. It was no use Yami saw the blush.

"What could never happen?" He asked questionally. And made her eyes meet his, Stef's cheeks were very red.

"It was nothing really Yami if you would please I have school tomorrow and I need sleep." Stef says trying to hide her face that was bright red.

"Stef... You know you could tell me." Yami says. Trying to comfort her.

It made Stef even more nervous. "Really it's nothing Yami." She says

If Yami didn't know Stef he would expect Stef to be a shy type, but he knew her better and deep inside it frustrated him. So with an impulse there lips touched. This surprised Stef and she fell on her bed with Yami on top of her.

"Yami..." Stef whispered very surprised

"Don't be afraid." He whispered back smoothly getting off her. "I'll be going out the window so no one hears me." Yami responds to the speechless Stef.

Stef nods and gets up but she trips and Yami catches her. Yami could feel Stef blush. "Sorry." She said.

Yami chuckles a little and carries Stef to her bed and lays her down. After he does that he goes to the window and gets down with ease. Stef sees him go and goes to sleep with a blush.

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