Chapter 18 last dream?

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When Stef got home there was no one but she didn't care all she did was turn on the radio and take a nice long shower. When she got out she changed and fell on her bed.

"Hmm that did the trick. Now I got to sleep tomorrow there's school." Stef says out loud.

She puts her deck and duel disk down next to her. And she looks at them for a while and thought about everything that had happen in her life. She realized that she always lived in fear and for once in her life she was happy and unafraid of her powers. That night she slept happily.


"Mana come on." Stefany says playfully.

"I'm coming I'm coming." Mana says laughing when she finally catches up.

"Hey do you want to meet my friends in the realm of shadows?" Stefany asks

"Yeah!" Mana said excitedly

"Oh no there we'll be none of that." Seto says behind them.

"Aw come on master Seto." Mana starts but Stefany puts a hand on her shoulders and shakes her head.

"Alright master Seto we won't invite my friends or go to the realm of shadow." Stefany promises

"Good make sure you don't you may have befriended the king and it puzzles me how but I still don't trust you so don't get any ideas. Your grace." Seto says emotionlessly. That was like a slap on her face emotionally her hands were shaking out of anger trying to contain her powers from exploding and tears from dropping.

"I won't master Seto." She says walking away to her room.

When Stefany was there she was so angry that before she exploded she thought she should cool down before she destroys half of the castle. So she opened the window and went flying to cool down her anger it works and she lands on in the garden.

Seto really pisses me off sometimes. But I know why he wants to test me if I'm anything like my uncle the king of thieves. Stefany thinks a tear escapes her eyes.

"Hey Stefany are you alright?" The king appears.

"Yeah just remembering the night when my mother was killed." Stefany says wiping the tear away.

"What made you think of that?" The king asks suspiciously

"It was just a thought." Stefany says inside she hated for people to see how sensitive she is. Especially in front of the king. and Mana who she thought of as a sister.

"You sure not planning to run away are you? Because I would order a little army to bring you back." The king says jokingly. Stefany laughs at the thought of an army looking for her if she did.

"It's nothing my friend." Stefany says when she finishes laughing.

"You look better with a smile." The king says surprisingly.

Stefany looks at him confused.

"I, I, mean everyone looks good in a smile every once in awhile." The king stutters. Mana saves him from continuing on.

"Stefany I thought you run away." Mana says as she hugs Stefany to the ground.

"Now why would she do that Mana?" The king asks.

"For no reason Mana do you want to hear a story today?" Stefany says very quickly.

"Yea!" Mana replies then suddenly Stefany's messenger comes in.

"Karibo what words do you have from father?" Stefany says scratching the puff ball on the head.

"Umm are you going to introduce us?" The king asks

"Oh yes your majesty, Mana this is Karibo the royal messenger of the realm of shadows. Karibo these are my friends the king and Mana." Stefany says introducing them they did normal,greetings.

"So Karibo what news do you have of father?" Stefany asks again.

"Poow poow." Karibo says Stefany turns very pale and looks at the king and Mana then back at Karibo.

"What did he say." Mana asks.

"It seems my uncle is going to pay another visit in a few weeks." Stefany says in a tone no one but Mana heard her use since her uncle first came to visit.h

"You must go then." Seto says

"But Seto!" The king and Mana starts to protest.

"No he's right I'm going to face him in a fight in the desert so no one gets hurt. And I don't want anyone following me." Stefany says in a menacing voice as she told Karibo to deliver the message to her uncle the royal messenger did as he was told and went away. And Stefany goes to her room when she got in she started crying her eyes out silently that you could barely hear her.

She was crying so much on her bed she didn't hear anyone knocking or coming in.

"Stefany are you alright?" The king asks and comes in alone shutting the door behind him. Stefany looked up and looked away.

"Go away or you might get hurt like everyone else that becomes my friend." Stefany says.

"I'll take my chances." The king says walking towards her. "You know you don't have to keep anything a secret. Were both royals." The king continues.

"Yeah you lock the so called monsters in a big stone tablets. Is that what you're going to do to me?" Stefany says with harshness in her voice. It stung the king because he could not deny it. but both harbored feelings for each other but Stefany knew that it. Could never be but this was her final night there so she thought what the heck.

"This is going to be my final day here. When I'm done I'll have to claim my throne." Stefany spilled as she looked into the kings eye and kissed goodbye. She went out the window flying a tear falling from her eyes.


Stef wakes up and it was early morning but decided to get ready for school.

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