Chapter 17 the renuion

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After they had the sweets they wanted Stef wanted to really know what had happen when she was gone.

"So guys I want to know what happen if that's alright." Stef says to them.

"Oh ok while you were gone Duke challenged Joey to a duel." Tristan started

"And let me guess by the looks of it Joey lost or so I have heard then Yugi dueled him and won?" Stef says. "I know that."

"Then what do you wanna know?" Mai asks.

"Well I want to know... You know never mind I'm sure it's nothing important." Stef says nervously.

"Guys I think my other self and Stef need to talk." Yugi says.

"Yugi I don't think I need to..." Stef starts but it's to late they switch.

"Yugi!" Yami says in his place.

"So you guys like each other?" Joey starts. Stef looks around when she sees no one is looking she summons a frying pan and hits Joey on the head very hard, and makes the frying pan go away.

"Ow who hit me?" Joey asks mad. Everyone starts to laugh.

"Joey who's the only one who can summon a frying pan?" Duke says laughing

"Stef! When I get you." Joey starts but Stef and Yami are gone. Everyone laughs harder.


"You think he knows I hit him." Stef asks Yami laughing.

"I'm pretty sure he'll catch on." Yami says laughing too.

"Yami all I remember is getting my duel disk and then next thing you know I have this." Stef says as she shows a card it was a dark dragon.

"Hmm that's weird. When I found you were tired to the bone and you admitted that you dueled in the shadow realm." Yami responds.

"Yami I think someone is messing with are heads."Stef says.

"So your no longer scared of hanging out with our friends?" Yami asks.

"Not anymore I was thinking of it since I got my duel disk. My friends need me more than ever." Stef says shaking her head and laying it down her head on Yami's chest.

"How did I act when you found me?" Stef asks Yami.

"Like a little kid." Yami responds chuckling.

Then there's a sound behind them.

"Huh?" Both of them says and stand up.

"Hey get over there or they'll here us." Someone whispers.

Yami and Stef walk over and look over to where the sound came from.

"Tea?!" Stef asks surprised and both turn bright red.

"What are you guys doing here?" Yami asks

"It was Tristan's idea!" Joey said.

"Tristan when I get my hands on you." Stef says as she summons her frying pan. Tristan starts to run and Stef chases him.

"Stef don't kill him." Yami yells

"Aw come on not even a little? I can heal him later." Stef whines with a sinister look on her face.

"Not even a little." He replies

"Your no fun." Stef says giving up chasing Tristan and makes the frying pan disappear.

"Whew thanks Yug." Tristan says walking to his friends.

"No problem now." Yami says.

"How sweet your a couple." Joey jokes.

"Oh Joey I can still summon frying pans and I am thinking of summoning other things other than frying pans." Stef says threateningly to Joey very annoyed.

"Ha ha I like your jokes Stef." Joey says very nervous and scared.

"(Sighs) well got to go guys who knows what my mom thinks right now." Stef says and waves good bye flying away.

"That girl is something when you said powers I didn't think you were serious." Mai says.

"Yeah and cat ears pop out when she's very nervous." Joey says.

"Don't listen to him Mai she does not do that." Tea says pulling Joey's ear.

Everyone starts to laugh and go home.

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