Fright Flight [Edited]

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-More descriptive writing
  -Not much of a change hehe

Y/n's Pov

The clouds had covered the entire city and the sun barely gave light. Everything outside is tinted blue. The slight raindrops, the classroom, even myself.

Sitting patiently waiting for the time to pass and for my brain to even come up with an answer, I sat there tapping my pencil and staring at my test for what feels like ages.

It's was during my English class and I was taking my test. I have to admit, this test is complicated.

As of right now, 30 minutes had past and I'm on question 18 on my English test. What makes it harder is that English is not my native language.

Looking at the answers, I couldn't decide if any of these are correct. It's either A, B, or C.  My brain aches and cries over the amount of words I saw. I've been through too much.

Then, my best friend Yoongi, popped in my head.

"Choose C" He said.

I shrugged my shoulders and hoped for the best and bubbled in C on my scantron.

When I finished bubbling that in, my phone vibrated and I saw that it's from Yoongi.

That's strange, really strange. He never calls me at this time, even though we had not talked in a month. He should know that I am in class.

I'm not sure if I should answer this or not.

My heart began to feel weird and I had this lump on my throat.

"Sir, I have to take this call," I announced but he didn't noticed.

I answered his call and raced out of the classroom.

"Yoongi?" I called out, worriedly.

"Uh, sorry, this isn't Yoongi. But, Y/n?" Seokjin called. Seokjin is me and Yoongi's friend who is a doctor.


"About Yoongi... He's in the hospital and he is critically hurt. Now, I know you are in America for studies-"

"Is it bad that I have to go there? I'll take the earliest flight to Seoul-"

"Y/n, calm down. Right now you are schooling. I advise you to finish the test first. He actually said that to my while we were in the ambulance. He also wanted me to say something to you,"

"What is it?"

"He says that if the worse thing happen, he wanted me to give you a notebook,"

"A notebook?"

"Yes, a notebook. And I'll talk to you later, I forgotten that you are doing your exam right now. Also, don't come to Seoul yet. You won't see him until a week from today,"

"Got it. Thank you Seokjin Oppa,"

I hung up the phone and quickly made my way back to my seat.

Now I have to proceed with my English exam.


One Week Later


I felt the airplane accelerate and my body being pushed back. I held on to the arm rest and tightly shut my eyes as we went higher and higher into the sky.

Once that scary part of the flight was over, I lightly fluttered my eyes open and relaxed and took deep breaths.

Then, I snicker could be heard next to me. A light laugh and a piece of chocolate.

"Wow, I didn't know Noona would be this much of a chicken," a familiar voice said.

I turned my head over and saw Jungkook smiling, showing his cute teeth.

"Jungkook!" I yelled-whispered and lightly hit his shoulder.

We both quietly giggled and then, it died down.

"So, what are you going to Seoul for?" He asked.

My expression died down, and worries filled my heart. "For Yoongi," I said and sighed out.

"Oh I see. Don't cry Noona. I'm also going to visit Yoongi Hyung. We can see him together," Jungkook said and patted my shoulder.

Then, the lights started to dim and that's when I started to silently cry.

Jungkook lifted the arm rest and began to hug me.

"It's ok, Y/n. I'm here with you. Yoongi will be fine," He said into my ears.

My tears began to slow down and so did my hiccups.

Time passes and Jungkook fell asleep and I sat there in silence as I listened to music.

"I don't want to cry,"

Memories |Min Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now