Realize [Edited]

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Sadly Edited


At this very moment, I realized that anything in life doesn't last forever. That everything good or bad comes into your life and leaves at some point.

"Y/n I'm home!" Jungkook came in the house, "And I'm home with chicken!"

Neither does the life of that chicken last forever.

Jungkook came into the room and saw me with a saddened face, holding a notebook that was unfamiliar to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked and put an arm over my shoulders. This boy just love to hug me at times. Fluffy bunny is what I would describe him. I showed him the journal.

"Dedicated to Y/n and Jungkook..." He read outloud. I then showed him the chapter, Crash, then the last few chapters. He held the book for himself and flipped through more pages. The last page he froze to was "Goals before  youth ends,"

When he read the page, his eyes widened and sadness was shown clearly on his face.

"Is this current?" He asked. I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess not," I replied, his hand writting is not the same as the previous ones.

I let out a sigh. Nothing last forever. Closing my eyes then grabbing the bucket of  chicken, I stood up and look at the distance.

Nature's first green was fold
Her hardest hue to hold
Her early leaf's a flower
But only so an hour
The leaf subsides to leaf
So Eden sank to grief
So dawn goes down to day
Nothing gold can stay

-Robert Frost


It would be weird if it was Jungkook who wrote on the last page. Anyways, this was inspired by a poem i read in class.

Memories |Min Yoongi x Reader x Jungkook| [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now