⌛️Chapter 5⌛️

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TBH, this is just a chapter that i lost inspiration to, but it's an important one. The beginning isn't the best but it's all I could think of... heh heh. Any who... Enjoy!

The rooftops of New York City were always quiet above while the streets were noisy with the honking and screeching of cars. Well, unless you don't think that four mutant turtles aren't hopping on one roof to another, then yes.

Michelangelo and his brothers were rolling on their skateboards. His roared against the ground and spun fast whenever he pushed off with his foot. Mikey laughed as he jumped off of a building, did a trick by holding his board with one hand and lifting his legs off of it, then landed onto the next one.

"Come on, dudes!" He called from over his shoulder. "You're all being too slow to be with the one true Mikey!"

A purple clad turtle ran behind him. He didn't have his skateboard with him. "To be fair, he is right about that. Since we've mutated, we got twice- no- five times more of the energy than the original turtle species." (I honestly don't know any Donnie mumbo jumbo stuff)

"That's nice, Donnie," the red masked turtle grumbled. He then turned to his youngest brother. "What's the matter, Mikey?" he skated beside him, "too afraid to be behind with us? Afraid that we'll beat you at the one thing you're good at?" He steps off of his board and started to attack his little brother. The orange clad turtle yelped as Raph had Mikey's neck in an arm lock.

A turtle with a blue mask groaned in annoyance. "Guys! We're ninja's remember? We're supposed to stay silent!"

"Sorry mister in-charge!" Raph let go of Mikey as the lightly green toned turtle wheezed to get air back into his lungs.

"Thanks, Leo!" he fell to the ground getting air.

"Now. The foot is planning another attack at April's apartment," he points to a nearby building that was two stories. "In order to know when they're going to attack it, we need a plan. Donnie?"

Donatello took out a contraption out from his back pocket. "I've made a device that will allow us to know when the foot attack her place. I'm giving you each a security scanner to place at doorway. Each doorway only needs one."

"Why are we doing this again?" Mikey blurted out absentmindedly. He is usually the one who forgets things.

This time it was Donnie's turn to groan in annoyance. "Because, shell for brain. After the foot discovered April's crystal power, they've targeted her!"

"And now we have to force them to never threaten our friends again!" Leonardo exclaimed.

Raphael gave him a strange look. "With scanners that will only beam at their feet?"

"The scanners are connected to our T-phones, Raph," Don explained. "Once they step unknowingly through the beam, it'll send a direct notification to them and we'll be right at April's apartment!"

"I bet you'll be excited to see April at that time, huh D?" Mikey teased.

Leo face palmed lightly. "Alright team. Let's do this!"

The four mutants jump to land onto the street, but they never did. What seemed to be a bubbly invisible force field that they jumped through, it transported them to a dark and gloomy area. The guys looked in confusion and awe. They were so confused.

"Uh... Guys?" Michelangelo questioned as he walked in a small circle, while looking around the place. "Where are we?"

"Wherever we are, we stick together," the leader suggested. "Our surroundings are new, so we shouldn't run off any-" he was cut off by Mikey.

"Dudes check it out!" He pointed to a dark castle. It looked as if it's been hollowed out- since only the main room showed and the high tower stayed. In the middle of the room was a throne. Just like the rest of the world, it was black, but with a tint of grey. "Some sort of ancient ruins!"

Donnie looked a little worried. He puts a finger to his chin. "I don't think it's a ruin, Mikey. It seems to me it's some sort of realm, or a dimension of some sort."

"Well wherever we are, I hope we get out of here soon. This place is giving me the creeps!" Raphael shivered. "Maybe this place will tell us where we are."

"Alright, team. We'll look around there for a bit. But do not. Touch. Anything!" Leonardo ordered, as he lead his brothers to the beat up castle.


The place was a wreck. Even though they could tell from afar, up close really shows its character. The four turtles carefully watched their step, though they did stumble upon each other, and on a few crumbled stones and bricks.

Michelangelo was the one who was mostly curious about this mysterious place, since he is the most curious guy out of his brothers. Examining the building, he sees the throne again. It was huge! The closer he got to it, the bigger it became. Hearing his brothers voices faint away, he cautiously sidesteps around the big chair. Just like his brother Raph, Mikey got the shivers up and down his spine. 'Something about this throne gives me the creeps,' he thought, feeling his shivers fade.

From beyond the throne, something caught his interest. Sidestepping again, but to go behind the chair, he sees something a little concerning.

"Guys! Come here!" he calls over his shoulder.

Hearing his brothers footsteps come closer, he points up.

"Does that seem normal to anyone? I mean, for a castle at least?"

Behind the throne were windows. Not ordinary windows that you look through to see the great outdoors and feel free to open and close for air though.

"Visionary windows," Donnie titled. "They're visionary windows!"

"As you said twice," Raph scoffed.

"No... You don't understand! Whoever has Visionary Windows must be the ruler of-"

"The Spirit Realm," a harsh male's voice finished. "So I see that The Turtle Warriors of Legend have come to stop me?" he laughs evilly as the turtles sheathed out their weapons. "I say that's impossible in a decade!"

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