⌛️Chapter 15⌛️

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"Assassins!?" Michelangelo exclaimed as he used one of his nun-chuck to block another flying arrow. "Who are they here for?" He was distracted. Mikey quickly used his reflexes to spin around and block an assassin from striking him from behind with a sword. 'Come on, Mikey! Focus!' he ordered himself in thought. He kicked another assassin that was in front of him. Then his nun chucks caught another one by the wrist and he flipped it onto its back. The orange clad turtle looked around. His brothers were fighting well, focusing on winning the fight. Mikey back kicked a freak from grabbing him from behind. Then he noticed something, the assassins were going for Renet! He started to run to her, but a hand caught onto his foot and he fell to the ground.

"Get off of me, you creep!" Mike used his free foot to kick the assassin off of him and ran to Renet to help her. The faceless people were trying to get the Time Scepter from her, but she wasn't letting them without a fight. She kicked and used her energy knuckles to blast them away. One assassin was about to get her from behind, but a poisonous dart prevented them from getting her. Mikey turned to see that the one who threw the dart, was the rabbit.

He kept on blowing the darts through the tube until there were no assassins left standing. The turtles looked to see the light gray rabbit spin the blow dart with his furry fingers and put it in his belt. He opened his eyes. "My many thanks, brave ones," he said, simply.

"Are... Are you the one called Usagi?" Donatello wondered, cautiously stepping forward, but the rabbit just nodded.

"Yes. I am Miyamoto Usagi Yojimbo, and who might you warriors be?"

Renet cleared her throat. "Usagi, these are the turtle warriors of legend," she gestures her hand to the turtles. "Leonardo," Leo waves, "Donatello," Donnie shrugs his shoulder, "Raphael," Raph does a quick nod, "and Michelangelo," Mikey just stares at Usagi.

Usagi smiled. "It is very honorable to meet the for great warriors. I have heard so much about you," he bows to them, and they do the same. As Usagi got up he turns to the Timestress. "And who might you be, young lady?"

Renet scratches her head. "My names, um... Renet Tilley," the rabbit's eyes widen.

"Renet! Oh my goodness! It's been a long time since I've seen you!"

UH OHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry for it being so short and taking a long time! I'm unable to write fight scenes! It's short because the next part that I was going to put in this chapter worked with the next chapter! I'll try and make this one longer though! Hopefully this makes up for my absence!!

Until I write again,

See ya!


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