⌛️Chapter 11⌛️

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"Show yourself, Jei!" Lord S shouted. He looked around the room, seeing that everyone was screaming and running around. Except for the turtles who were stuck, himself, Renet, Jhanna, Venus.

A rumble was shown by people balancing on one foot. Four beams of light then shot out then turned into bones, which formed a face. An evil looking face. Gasps filled the area. He literally showed his face.

Well, sort of.

"Lord Simultaneous," the voice of the boned face scoffed. "What a lovely coronation you have here. Why was I not- oh, ho ho! What do we have here?" The face moved toward Renet, who was still clutching onto the Scepter.

"Don't go near her!" the old man warned. He held up his hand to put a force field around the apprentice.

Jei moved away from Renet to face the Time Master. "You know well that she isn't fit for the job," he chuckled, and ignored Simultaneous's warning and circled around Renet. "I sense fear, trouble. Uncertainty and-confusion..."

"SHUT UP!" a shout threatened. The wolf looked to see it came from one of the terrapins.


"Why should I, green freak!?" Jei yelled, turning into his wolf form then slapping his cheek. Mikey squinted his face, cause the contact of the hand to his cheek stung a little. "If anything, my blabbering could help your destiny." The orange clad turtle shut his mouth. "And, do you really think Renet can do the task that lies ahead on her path?" he moves closer to Renet once again, clutching her cheek bone part of her face. The young girl growled and tried to bite Jay, but he moved away just in time so she couldn't. "Feisty, I see,' Jei chuckled. "You'd make a great-"

"Don't say it!" Lord Simultaneous shouted.

But once again, the wolf ignored him. "Time Master..." his deep laughter got louder. "You never told her? Maybe you should since that is her path. She should know everything... About the elements, Usssssagi?" The bones soon disappeared after that and so did the dark clouds. The turtles and Renet thumped onto the ground.

Mikey got up then went to help Renet, but she was already being helped by her mentor. Renet rudely pushed off his hand of her shoulder like she did once before. "YOU KNEW! YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN! YOU ALWAYS KNOW WHAT WILL HAPPEN!" She shouted, and the turtles winced. Everyone was quiet in the room so it echoed. "WHAT'S WITH ALL THE SECRETS FROM ME!? CAN'T YOU JUST TELL ME A STRAIGHT ANSWER!? " Renet has tears streaming down her cheeks now. Mikey went to comfort her, but she backed away. "You knew too, didn't you?  Didn't you!?" the tears came faster.

"We were told that our destiny lied with the next wielder, but we weren't told who!" The orange clad turtle assured.

"Too many secrets. Too much pressure,"  Renet knelt down and held her head with her arms around it. The young turtle grabbed her wrist lightly, but she yanked it away. "Stay away from me!" she shouted. "Just leave me alone! You don't know what it's like to be me at the moment!" Renet stood up then ran for the crowd of people. While she did, she accidentally dropped the staff. Renet looked back to grab, but saw the turtles running after her. She swatted her hand at it and her friends and kept running, pushing away the warriors, not knowing that the staff has levitated itself up to follow her. 

"Renet, wait!" Michelangelo called after her, but was stopped suddenly as soon as he reached the exit by a hand.

"Let her be, Mikey," it was Donatello. "She needs-"

Mikey groaned. "I know you're smart and all, Donnie, but saying 'she needs time,' isn't the best phrase right now. Time is why she's upset!"

"I was going to say give her space," D quickly finished.

Mikey's eyes widened, remembering his vision. "That's even worse!" he shouted, and the purple turtle looked confused.

The others ran after Mikey and Donnie, Lord Simultaneous with them. "We must go after Renet!" he exclaimed. "The whole universe is at steak if she doesn't return." Mikey glared at him then looked away. "We must!"

"Raph, check the time room, Donnie you check the town. Mikey, around the castle. I'll check the inside." Leonardo ordered. "Find her as soon as possible." They all split up.

<Warning: There Will Be a Lot of Similar Things Happening>


Donatello searched the town high and low. There were people there looking at him from here and there but he didn't seem to care. Some fangirl screams were heard, but then faded as they saw that he was ignoring them. The breaths he took were short and sharp as he ran. As if he needed water, which he did.

D took a quick stop, putting his hands on his knees then looked behind him. Apparently he wasn't in the town, he was in a forest!

"What the-" the purple masked turtle stammered. "How'd I get here so fast?"

"Don't waste your energy, Donatello," a raspy voice echoed, then a pink dragon with green eyes appeared. "You'll need it!" Green fire then started to spread around him. D flowed the way it was going, then covered his face. "Gah!"


"Alright... How did I do this before?" Raphael contemplated himself. "I hate not knowing! Bah! Forget it!" he started to search for Renet again. "Come on, Renet! Come out! I promise that I'll be nice to you again!"

Then, Raph too heard a voice. A voice too familiar. "Would you make that promise to someone you deeply cared about?"

The red turtle growled. "Of course, what do you think I am, a monster like you?"

"I don't think that, but maybe someone else might think that..." He laughs.

"What are you talking-" but he was too late to make the remark. "Grrr!"


Running the perimeter, Michelangelo knew exactly where to find Renet.

The fountain where they were before.

He ran as fast as he could, but then noticed that he began to levitate. He began to float into mid air. Mikey was beginning to not be able to breath again. He began to choke. Coughing for air.

'Not again!' He yelled in his mind, but then everything went back to normal as it did weird. He continued running.


Leo's footprints echoed in the halls as he ran through them, as well as his voice. "Renet! Renet, you there!?" He panted through his words. "We... Need you!" he called, and finally slowed down. The blue clad turtle placed his green hand on a wall to keep his balance. But a little after, he saw a shadow move at the corner of his eye. Leonardo followed it, quickening his pace when suddenly- he felt like he couldn't move once again. "Not again!" he screamed.

"What's the matter, Leonardo? Can't seem to move?" A female Japanese like teased. "Tic toc..." with that, he felt free.

Shaking his head, he continued to follow where he saw the shadow. It turns out that it went to Renet's room. He knocked on the door, but no answer. He knocked again but this time, it creaked slowly open on it's own. Leo had a questioning look on his face, but entered. Looking around, he saw that the room was very big. In front of him was a balcony. Leonardo saw someone with a cape on the balcony, resting their head on the palm of their hand, and the Time Scepter resting beside them.


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