⌛️Chapter 18⌛️

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*may edit later*
I felt my eyes flutter open. I squinted them quickly as sunlight shon on them brightly, then opened them fully as I got used to the light. I'm in my Spirit Quest outfit. A blue hood with a bow and arrow, lace around my wrists and my swords on my hip. I looked around. Bright green grass surrounded me. The sky is blue with a few orange clouds. I looked again to see that I am in a ditch. 'It isn't steep,' I thought, 'it looks easy to climb out." As soon I climbed out, someone charged straight at me. I fell on my shell.

"Get out of the way!" They shouted, and ran again.

I realized that I needed help in this new world. "H-hey! Wait!" I called and ran after them.

I kept running until I stopped to realized I reached a village. I walked around while looking at everything. The people there were not people, but cats on two feet. I saw a few eyes glance at me, but they were quick ones. Not like long rude stares.
Suddenly, a scream came out of the blue. I felt my heart jump and turned desperately to where it came from. A door busted open at me. I jumped and dodged it, As I landed, I looked to see who threw it at me.
Standing in the doorway is a dark character. I can't tell their gender cause their whole body is covered in black clothing from top to bottom. Except for their eyes. Their eye colour is... well, they don't have an eye colour. Their eyes are completely white. I look at their hand. A single sword as long as his own stood out to the side. As my eyes reach the end of the blade, my whole body froze cold. Freezing cold. The end of the blade, the very point, had a thick layer of red liquid.


"H-hey!" I stuttered. "What did you do!?"

Laughing. That's all they did. Laughed like a maniac. "Isn't it obvious?" They riddled. I hate riddles!

I take my sword out of its holder. "Haaaaaa!" I cried, swinging my blade at them. They blocked and the blood at the end splatted on my face. I don't care though. All I care about is putting this... assassin in their place! We moved to the centre of the village, our weapons still clanging against each other.

"Your fighting skills are weak, turtle!" They put more pressure on their blade against mine. I felt my foot slide back. We departed.

I scoffed. "With one blade, maybe. How about two?"

"I'll judge how you use them! It's all about skill."

"I don't know if you've ever been in a fight before, but there usually isn't this much talking!"

They run at me and I block. "Let us fight then!"

Our battle goes on for what felt like hours. At times I could see citizens hiding in fear. Some peaking from behind objects. I suspect this has never happened before.

"No one has ever stood up to me before, turtle. Not until... now..." they back down. "Not until now!" The assassin stumbled back but didn't fall. I took the advantage to kick them to the ground. I held my blade close to their face.

"I'm glad I'm here then. Seems like you've attacked this village before," something weird happened. Their eyes showed their colour. Just barely though. I shook the thought out and took their blade. "Get out of here, assassin. Never come back!" Their eyes turned white again!

"You don't order me around!" They let out a grunt and jumped, throwing a smoke bomb. I covered my eyes and coughed since some got in my lungs. As it cleared, I instantly ran to the house where the assassin killed. I reached it, and I see a horrific scene. Blood is everywhere! The floor has a giant pool of the red liquid on the floor and a trail. I followed it and gasped to see someone lying against the wall, sitting upwards, looking almost lifeless. I run to them.

"Miss? Miss!?" I exclaimed, lightly shaking them. I felt a presence in the room. Turning around, I see two other people standing in the doorway. I turn back to the one in need. The blood made me feel a little noxious. Then I-

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