⌛️Chapter 19⌛️

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Who is he?" A small voice wondered.

"Don't go near him! He could be dangerous!" An older voice exclaimed.

My eyes opened. Slowly this time. A light instantly shone in them. Not the sun, i know that. I tried to move my arms, they're tied! My legs are tied too! I struggled to get them loose- no use.

"Oh good! You're awake!" A cheery voice exclaimed. I feel dabs of water go on my face. I flinch as the one helping me touched a cut. I must have frightened them because they jumped a little. They still continued to attend to my wounds.

"Bangle!" A booming voice yelled. "I told you not to go near the turtle!" An older looking cat came into the room. He has a bright orange coat all over his body, and a darker orange around his face. His eyes burn with a dark brown.

"Sorry, papa. But... he's awake!" The younger one moved out of the way so his father could get closer to me. I can see the younger one now since the light is gone. He has the height up to my knee, and he is a light grey with baby blue eyes.

"So he is," he purred.

"W-where am I?" I stuttered.

"You are in my home, strange creature. I am head of the Neko Clan and father of this household. My name is Lee On."

"Lee On," I repeated. "Please, let me go! I have a quest to do here! Please!"

The cat man laughed. "And what what would that be, turtle? Murder anyone you please?"

I glared at him. "What are you talking about?" I scoffed, trying to get closer to him, but the chains held me back.

"You were in the room with the lifeless body!" I widened my eyes. Is he accusing me of murder!?

"I would never kill anyone, Lee!" I shouted.

"You will call me Lee On, turtle!"

I growled. "And you will call me Leonardo, cat man!" He was shocked when I said my name. "I was sent here to do a quest! I can't do it if I'm tied here!"

"Wait... Leonardo?" I nodded. "O-oh my goodness! You're the one... the Turtle Warrior of Legend!"

I looked at him weirdly. "You know of me?"

The old cat nodded. "Yes. My wife, Siamese, has said your name before in her dreams. She told me to look out for you."

Something about that didn't sit right with me. "Where is she now?"

Lee On scratched the back of his head. "She's... gone."

My eyes softened. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Lee On."

He softly smiled. "It's alright, Leonardo. And please, call me Lee." There was a long pause. "Here, let me release you from those chains."
"My apologies, Leonardo, for earlier."

I politely smiled. "It's alright, Lee. I think I would have done the same thing," I take a sip of my tea then set it down. "How has your family been doing, Lee?" I asked out of the blue. If I was sent here for the element, I need to know everything I can about this place. I must of asked it a bit too soon. "Apologies if I asked rudely."

"No, no. It's alright. If you were sent here for that quest of yours, you must know about this place. None the less, about me.

"I am the mayor of this place. I have a wonderful family. My son, Bangle, who takes orders for me of what the people would like changed, and I do my best to give them it. My wife, Siamese, she was the nurse of the village a few months ago before she... passed. Then, there is my daughter, Tomoe Ame. She is the protector of our village."

That sentence confused me. "She's the protector here?" I asked and Lee nodded. "Then... why wasn't she here when the assassin attacked?"

"Because... she disappeared right before these attacks happened. Some think she left us for that witch up on the hill," he points to the window behind me and I look through it. Up on a high hill there is this un easy feeling of a house. It's chimney puffs out black smoke. At first I thought I saw an evil looking face, laughing at me, but when I blinked, it turned to regular puffs of smoke. "Others think that she got assassinated."

"What do you think, Lee?"

"I want to think she's alive, but I don't want to be disappointed in the truth. Weather she's alive or not."

"I see. Thank you for telling me this, Lee On," I stood up.

Lee looked as if he's seen a ghost. "W-where are you going?" He stuttered.

"I am going to go to this witch house. See what I can do about this mystery of yours," I went for the door, but a hand grabbed my wrist.

"You must be mad if you wish to go to knock on the witch's front door!" He shouted.

"I am just going to investigate, Lee. I am not going inside," he lets go of my wrist. "Do you happen to know the witch's name?"

"I believe I heard the assassin say it... Shini. Yes! Shinigami!" His face lightens up, but then I could see him shudder.

"Thank you," I turn to leave, but the small boy that helped me earlier stopped me in my tracks. I looked down at him.

"Are you going to stop the bad guy? A-and... get my sister back?" He asked. I could see he had hope in his baby blue eyes as he looked at me. That made me smile.

But the smile slowly faded into a frown. I wasn't sure of the answer since anything could happen. I don't know how powerful this witch is, but that on't stop me. The smile returned and I kneeled down to his level. "Yes. I will bring hope to your home, little one," that sentence made the kid smile so wide it made me copy him. I rubbed his head and stood up to leave the household. As soon as I left, the smile faded again. I have a huge responsibility on my shoulders. I just hope I can bring this village the hope they need.
Renet felt herself lower to the ground. Her feet made contact from first toe, then to heal.  She then opened her eyes and let her arms drop lightly to her sides. The place is beautiful! A blue aura place. Four white glowing pedestals with one in the middlewith a hand, looking as if it is waiting for something to be placed in it. Renet looked at the Time Sceptre, then the hand. She slowly moved towards it and quickly places the staff in it's palm. The hand takes it and raises it up high. The sceptre starts to glow a dark blue.

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