⌛️Chapter 13⌛️

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There was nothing but darkness that the turtles and Renet could see around them. Especially Renet. But it was bright enough for the turtles to see themselves. The Timestress felt lifeless for a few minutes, but then she began to regain consciousness. She then started to hear things.

"Renet! Renet come on, we need you! Wake up!" It was Mikey trying to get her to wake up. She opened her chocolate eyes to show that she was awake. Michelangelo let out a sigh of relief. "I was so worried! I thought you died!"

Renet patted his shell. "I-I'm okay. Question is, where are we? How did we get here?"

"It was Jei," Donatello explained bluntly. "He threw us in here, and I believe you're the only one who can get us out."

Leonardo flew to Donnie. "Even if we knew how to get out, where and when would we go?"

"Didn't Jei say something about Elements?" Raphael asked. "Then something about Usagi?"

Renet thought for a moment. "I do remember Lord Simultaneous saying something about that name not being here to- to Jhanna," She stuttered, remembering what had happened to her. "If he knows something about Usagi, we should go to him."

"How exactly?" Raph crossed his arms. "It's not like you can just magically teleport us to the exact time where-" He was stopped by Renet holding the Time Scepter to his face. "Oh yeah, that. Forgot it could teleport."

"Time Scepter, take us to the one known as, Usagi!" She called. A bright light blinded them. White soon glowed around their bodies, then they were soon zapped out of the darkness.


A rectangular white portal zapped opened to another world and the turtles and Renet fell through it, landing on top of each other.

"Ugh! Why am I always on the bottom!?" Michelangelo complained, as his friends got off of him.

Renet looked around, seeing their new surroundings. The sky was different; blue still, but with a sunset colour of cloud. There was soft grass beneath their feet, and a few cliffs here and there.

"Ugh! I said take us to Usagi! Not some random spot in his world!" The young Timestress stomped her foot in frustration, then sighed. "It always has to be a riddle, doesn't it?"

"Well what fun would it be if it weren't a riddle?" The red turtle joked.

"The thing is, Raphael, if we do not find this.. Usagi soon, the two realms will be in even more steak!"

"How do you know that Usagi can help us?" Leonardo wondered.

Renet looked at the turtle's facial expressions. They wanted to know badly. But her expression? Nervous. She let out a nervous chuckle. "I um... I- I don't," she stated.

"What!?" Michelangelo exclaimed. "How do you not know!?"

"Hey! All I know is that Lord Simultaneous talked about him, and Khan too! Before the coronation happened, he and Jhanna talked. I heard her say that Usagi couldn't make it. Lord Simultaneous look really thoughtful about that. That has to be a hint for Usagi to be the one to help us!"

Donatello stepped forward. "Alright, but how are we supposed to know what he looks like or how to find him?"

"Well we won't be finding him by just standing here!" Renet remarked.

"She's right. We gotta move in order to find Usagi. Let's go!"

I hope you liked it! I know it's a little slow, but I'm trying to get to the climax of the story! It'll be worth it I promise!

Now to work on the next chapter!

Until Next Time,


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