⌛️Chapter 7⌛️

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Renet smiled at het friends with one hand holding her arm behind her back.

"Renet?" Mikey gasped, then smiled from one ear to the other. "Renet!" He runs up to her as if he had a lightening speed towards her, and gave the timestress a big bear hug.

Renet squeaked. "It's nice to see you again too, Mikey!" She managed to get out. After the hug loosened, Renet let a whole lot of air out. "I'm glad you guys could make it!" Renet exclaimed, laughing a little during the sentence.

"We didn't have much of a choice," Raphael remarked.

Renet chuckled nervously. "Again. Sorry about that. But everyone was so caught up in the moment, and we had to make plans... We couldn't just send you an invitation! It'd take you too long to reply, plus you don't know how to that."

Donatello was confused. "Invitation?" He questioned. "An invitation to what?"

"Well... There's going to be a coronation for the next Time Sceptre Wielder," the apprentice explained. "All of the great warriors were invited!"

"That's awesome!" Mikey hugged her again, then quickly let go.

After the second hug, Lord Simultaneous came from behind Renet. "Ah! The Turtle Warriors of Legend! So nice of you to come!" He smiles. Then from behind him, a girl they've never seen before stepped from behind them. "Venus, please take the turtles and bring them to their dorms," he leans in close to her ear and whispers something.

Venus bows. "Yes, Lord Simultaneous. Warriors, if you could follow me please," she motions her hands for them to follow her. The four brothers looked at each other, then did as she asked.

The halls in the castle were big enough for them to be side by side of each other. Mikey loved the place. He kept on walking in circles as he moved forwards to get every spot of the palace in his mind. "This place is amazing!" he commented.

"I've never seen anything like it!" Donatello added in delight. "Even space doesn't compare to how unique this place is!"

Venus nodded. "I agree. When I came here from my home world, my thoughts were yours exactly," they turned a corner. "Here we are! Your dorms!" She gestured her hands to two doors parallel to each other.

"These are our rooms?" Leonardo wondered, shifting closer to one of the doors.

"Yes," Venus answered. "Yours until you return to your home world."

"Thank you... Venus. Right?"

She giggled a little. "Yes. And you're welcome, Warriors. If you need anything, let me know." Venus disappeared around the corner.

Leonardo turned to his brothers. "Alright, guys. It looks as if it's getting late. Let's pick a room and hit the hay." He opens the door to the room he was standing right beside and disappears into it.


Lord Simultaneous could only focus. The Time Scepter was glowing in front of him. Yellow beams reflected off of the blue walls in his escape room. He was in the Inner Time stance. Trying to connect to the Time Scepter, and those who have wielded it in the past. Lord S was especially trying to connect to The Ancient One. He wielded the Time Scepter as the Time Master. Ruler of the Time Realm.

"Please, master," he begged with his eyes closed. "Show me what is in store for her. Help me help her!"

His vision turned pitch black. Yellow swirls circled around him. An image of Renet holding the Time Scepter appeared in front of him. Lord Simultaneous held his breath. She already wielded the Scepter before. Why is she going to again? He thought. Then, a blinded wolf with a cloak as dark as night and a sphere of his own appeared behind her. Four small lights started to circle around them. Renet looked confident, then she disappeared looking scared. The  had wolf an evil grin, but then too looked scared and vanished as well.

Lord Simultaneous woke from his stance. He knows what this means. Or- he thinks he knows. Though he couldn't tell what could happen in the future, he saw Renet's future. She would not like what her path has in store for her.

So... I sort of lost inspiration with this chapter, but i tried!
I have an idea where this is going but i don't know how to get there so I'm just putting what comes through my head into this to get to the parts that i already know how to do.

Until next time,

I'm outtie five thousand...

Chain Chom, YOMP!
(I had to)

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