Oh Canada

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No, I did not let that sexy man, that my parents introduced to me, seduce me. The truth is that I have enough on my plate as is. I like being with Andy, there are some off moments, but I'm standing by my decision. So I've decided after a month of modelling for a few magazines and interviews, I'd go see my boyfriend and my friends. I caught the earliest flight, which happened to be at three in the morning, and made it there at nine because time zones in Toronto are different than I'm used to. Luckily, I was able to sleep on my way, and Alex was waiting for me at the airport.

"You pick me up, and yet there is no beautiful cup of Tim Horton's coffee in your hands." I said in the most exhausted tone he has ever heard. He gave me a nice long hug and chuckled.

"Don't worry, there's a Tim Horton's on every block, we'll grab some on the way." He said as he took my bag.

"And a bagel?" I asked sweetly.

He nodded, "It'd be weird not to get a bagel."

We walked out of the airport and up to Andy, who's on the phone. He didn't even notice me, but he was smiling a lot as he spoke. We got to the car and Alex took my things and put them in the trunk.

"... I'll have to call you back, see ya." Andy spoke and then put away his phone. He swooped me up into his arms and kissed me. "God, you look beautiful!" He said, making me smile.

"I think we best be on our way." Alex announced.

We all got into the car and I could tell there was tension between the two of them. Either way, I began telling them about my parents and I heard Alex make some remarks under his breath, but I ignored it. Then I told them about the interviews, and Alex began to tell me about the tour so far.

"... so Jack ended up taking off his clothes and he ran outside. So at this point, I looked at Zack and then proceeded as Jack did. As soon as I got out there, Jack threw me a bottle of shampoo and we just started washing ourselves in the rain as our fans watched us. Remind you, we were still wearing underwear, just so that's clear." I laughed, trying to imagine it.

I sighed, "I can't wait to see them, it feels like it's been forever!" I smiled.

"Hey Walt, we'll stop right at that Tim's." Alex said to the driver.

"No, we're going right back to the tour buses to drop you off, and then Jess and I will be going out for a nice brunch." Andy said and Walt looked at me through the mirror.

"I guess we'll go back to the buses then." I said and Walt nodded.

Alex tapped my arm and whispered, "I thought you wanted that world famous coffee."

I whispered back, "Sneak out after your show?" He smile and nodded.

When we got to the buses, Andy took my luggage as I said goodbye to Alex. Then, we boarded the BVB bus. Everyone said 'hey' to me and I nodded and waved. I followed Andy into the back lounge and he shut the door behind us. He sat down first and then pulled me onto his lap.

"So where are we going for brunch?" I asked.

He scratched the back on his head, "I lied, I just wanted some alone time with you." I sighed, thinking about that bagel.

"You know you could have just said that, I would have understood." I said.

"But he wouldn't have, just like your parents."

"Come on, don't bring my parents into this."

"Why shouldn't I? You still sleep at there house most nights anyways. For God's sake Jess, you're an adult now."

"Why are you being such a jerk?" I asked and he calmed down.

"I'm sorry Jesse, I'm just stressed. Anyways, I have some good news. Juliet will be joining us on tour starting tomorrow."

"That's cool, I guess." I said, looking down at my hands.

"Yeah, she asked me to join her on stage to sing the love song she wrote about me, so I said I'd ask you."

I got up, "Well I don't know if I'd be comfortable with that."

"Come on Jess, she wrote that when we were together. I'm just trying to help out a friend."

"Yeah, you're right, do it." I said, faking a smile.

He got up and pulled me into an embrace. "See, I knew you'd understand." He kissed my forehead and walked towards the door. "I gotta go do soundcheck, see you in a couple hours." Then he walked out.

Oh Canada, what have I gotten myself into?

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