8 | Nothing Feels Like You?

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Perrie and Jade were talking for two hours straight already, and Perrie was already drunk as hell. Jade, not so much. Jadey could take the alcohol because she was familiar with it. Perrie on the other hand doesn't drink alcohol that often, which ensures that she'd get drunk faster than Jade. Perrie stared at Jade's perfect face and bit her lip.

"I love your face.", Perrie giggled.

Jade started to blush real hard, "Thanks.." Jade was about to look at the bottom, but Perrie grabbed Jade's chin gently and listed it up so Jade would look at Perrie.

"Don't.. You look cute when you blush.", Perrie said in a very cute voice. They grinned at each other. After awhile Jade grabbed Perrie's hand and dragged her to the dancefloor. "YOUTH" by Troye Sivan turned on and Perrie and Jade started to dance. Jade really enjoyed the time with Perrie, even if she knew the blonde beauty probably wouldn't remember a thing the next day. Maybe it was better this way. Perrie started to sing along, which made Jade's heart jump. She sounded like an angel sent from heaven.

"You know.", Perrie started while moving her hips to the music. Jade started to dance around Perrie while listening to what she had to say. "Ever since I met you, I have had a weird feeling in my chest and it just wouldn't go away. A very positive feeling and.. I think now I know what it is. Jade, I think I might like you.. No, I do. I really like you, Jade.", Perrie confessed. This made Jade stop dancing for a while. She couldn't believe what Perrie just said. It was like a beautiful, longed-for dream finally came true. But that feeling disappeared as soon as she realized that Perrie probably ain't going to remember what she just said tomorrow. 

"Why'd you stop dancing, Jadey?", Perrie asked with a nervous smile. She thought she did or said something wrong again. "Come on! Dance with me, princess!", Perrie shouted with joy while grabbing Jade hands. Perrie touching her hands made her shiver. Jade was still in her little Jerrie-Bubble and she couldn't believe that this was really happening. Jade got a step closer in front of Perrie. Perrie bit her lip as she knew what was about to happen and she was so excited for it to happen. Jade slowly put her hand in Perrie's neck and pulled Perrie closer to her body. Perrie closed her eyes as their lips were about to touch and as they did.. It was like thunder and lighting merged into one another and finally found their second half. It was like fireworks went off and the music in the background made it even more powerful and emotional. Jade slowly pulled away and couldn't believe what she just did. 

"I'm sorry.", she mumbled and looked at the bottom, but Perrie did the same thing she did back then at the bar. She grabbed Jade's chin softly and lifted it up so Jade would look into Perrie's ocean blue eyes.

"Don't be.", Perrie whispered and leaned in again. They kissed again and it still felt like the first time. They both smiled into the kiss. But when Jade realized that she shouldn't take advantage of a drunk Perrie, she quickly pulled away, mumbled a "Sorry" and went into the bathroom. Perrie was still on the dancefloor, happy and heartbroken about what just happened. She put her head in her hands. She was still drunk as hell. She looked around and she was so glad as she didn't notice anyone of her friends or people, like Zayn, that she knew that could have seen this whole thing. Perrie went back to the bar and sat down on one of the chairs. She bought one tequila and drank it away quickly. Suddenly, someone tipped on her shoulder.

"You okay?", Zayn asked. Perrie looked over her shoulder and watched Zayn as he sat down next to her on a chair. Perrie shook her head. "What is it?"

"I don't know.", Perrie whispered while tears where forming in her eyes. She had no idea what was happening right now. "I'm sorry.. I don't know what's wrong with me."

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