Chapter 6

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Connor,Jean,and Riv looked around the room that they had been brought to. After meeting Phil they had taken him to The Web and got Riv. Phil had taken them to this room in some sort of high security facility. Ever since they'd arrived Riv had been pacing. 

"You just had to destroy Times Square." Riv said glaring at Connor and Jean. "It was my first time using the symbiote!" Connor said,defending himself.  

"And it was my first time using the Phoenix Force." Jean muttered.  

"You guys need some serious training!" Riv yelled.  

"Yes they do. But that can wait." Connor looked at the door to see Phil chuckling.   

"What do you want from us? Riv said,her voice shaking. 

"I have some people here who want to meet you." Phil continued,ignoring Rivs question.

As Phil moved away from the door Connor's eyes widened. Tony Stark,Batman,Steve Rogers, Wonder Woman, Superman,Bruce Banner, Natasha Romanoff, Barry Allen, and Peter Parker walked into the room. Riv and Connor both fainted. Everyone began exchanging looks while Phil and Jean shook their heads slowly. Her eyes glowing Jean used her telekinesis to pick Riv and Connor up and dropped them on their heads. Connor sat up and rubbed his head. 

"Why would you do something like that?"Connor whined.  

"We meet The League of Avengers for the first time and you and Riv decide to faint?" Jean asked.

 Connor spun around to see Supermans house of El symbol directly in front of his face. Connor looked up slowly to see Superman staring down at him with a smirk on his face. Connor started running around to different members of the league,asking them tons of questions. 

"Batman, is it true that you trained with the league of shadows. Superman,do you really have no limits? Flash,can you really run faster than the speed of light? Bruce, what's it like when you change into the Hulk? Natasha, what were the experiments like? Steve, do you remember anything about being frozen in the ice?"

"Connor." Jean said quietly. Connor froze and his face turned white. 

"Yeah?" Connor gulped. 

"Come sit down." Jean said,smiling sweetly. 

"O..ok."Connor said. As Connor picked up Riv and carried her to his seat Peter stepped forward. 

"First off the League and I wanna say that we're extremely impressed with the way you three handled the symbiote threat. Carnage has been taken to a secure facility and vemons body has been....disposed of." Peter said. 

Connor looked at Jean excitedly. "The League of Avengers is impressed with us!" Connor said. 

"So what do you want with us?" Jean questioned. 

"We're putting a team together. After The Great Battle we've been looking for new heroes to take our places in the event that something like that happens again."Peter explained.  

"We lost a lot of friends that day. Green Lantern, Aquaman, Hawkeye,Vision,Scarlet Witch,Quicksilver,Supergirl,Thor, Phoneix." Superman said sadly. 

"What does this team have to do with us? Connor asked as he grabbed Jeans hand. Jean smiled at Connor gratefully.  

"We want you two to lead the team." Phil said. 

"Us? We're only teenagers. Jean said.

"Trust me,we know." Batman said. 

"Even so, you have proven yourself to handle yourselves better than some league members." Peter said.

"So who'll be on the team?" Connor asked. 

Spider-Man: The New Age- Book 1 in The Vindicators SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now