Chapter 15

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"Rise and shine, sleeping beauty," Thaddeus said, running a metal pipe across Connors cell.

Connor rolled over on his cot, turning away from the cell door.

"Looks like you're finally getting out of here," Thaddeus said.

"Connor," Jean said.

Connor rolled back over on his cot and saw his team standing outside his cell.

Standing up, he began limping over to them.

"What did you to him?!?" Riv exclaimed.

Jean rushed at Thaddeus, grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the wall.

"What. Did.You. Do." Jean hissed.

"He killed the mayor of new york city. He's lucky I didn't kill him. You better take your hands off me or you'll get exactly what he got," Thaddeus sneered.

Jean and Thaddeus stared each other down for a moment.

"Jean, I'm okay." Connor said.

Jean slowly released her grip on Thaddeus throat and he walked over to Connors cell and unlocked it.

Dylan walked into the cell and pulled Connor's arm around his shoulder. Focusing is heat vision Dylan cut Connors collar off and they walked out of the cell and began walking down the hall.

"See you soon,Connor," Thaddeus called.


As the team walked into The Web they saw The League standing in the center room.

"Welcome back, Connor." Batman said.

"3 months," Connor said.

"What?" Peter asked.

"I was a prisoner for 3 months for something that I didn't do," Connor growled.

"We planned on freeing you sooner but we had to prove that it wasn't you."Clark explained.

Connor walked over to the computer and plugged in his flash drive.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y, play the first video file on this drive," Connor ordered. "This flash drive holds all the torture that I experienced during my first week at The Raft."

Riv buried her face into Logan's chest as the first video began to play.

Everyone watched as Connor's arms and legs were strapped to cinder blocks and as he was thrown into an aquarium. He began to try to free his hands and legs but eventually he stopped. Before he could pass out he was lifted out of the aquarium long enough for him to catch his breath and was then dropped back into the aquarium.

"This happened for another 12 hours."Connor said.

"Connor we never wanted this to happen." Peter said.

"F.R.I.D.A.Y. pull up the blueprints for The Raft." Connor ordered.

Everyone looked back up at the screen as the blueprints materialized. On the bottom left hand corner of the screen there were two signatures.

"Wayne Enterprises and Stark Industries." Connor read aloud.

Everyone turned to Batman and Tony with varying looks of horror on their faces.

"Care to explain?" Connor growled.

"The Raft was only built for superpowered criminals. We didn't plan for something like this to happen," Tony said.

Spider-Man: The New Age- Book 1 in The Vindicators SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now