Chapter 2: where are we?

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Daniel's POV:
I wake up with a banging headache. I look around to see where I am.

Person: thank god, your awake we began to get worried.
A woman said to me as she helped me sit up.

Daniel: Cat?!

Cat: yes Daniel, it's me.

Daniel: how did you get me in here?
I asked, then she looked down at the floor and said

Cat: I dragged you here, when you got thrown you were still unconscious, so me and Luke had to drag you into this shuttle ship before the Androids could finish you off.

Daniel: thank god you did! Or otherwise I would have died! And wait Luke is here?!

Cat: yeah. See
Cat said as she pointed to Luke who was flying the ship.

Luke: hi Daniel.

Daniel: hi. Where are we?

Luke: in space and hundreds of miles away from earth, we will be safe once we're on the other side of the galaxy.

Daniel: why are we going to the other side of the galaxy?

Cat: because it's were we will be save, and the Androids won't be able to detect our systems when we're there.

Daniel: Wait! Where's Joey?!

Luke: I don't know, but I'm sure he's on a shuttle ship or Escape pod.

Daniel: but what if he isn't?

Cat: Daniel, I'm sure he is.

Daniel: I hope so.
I said in a cold tone

We continue traveling in space, worrying about Joey still, can't help it, I meant what if he's dead? I can't live without him, he's my soulmate.

The shuttle we were traveling hasn't detected any signs of the Androids that just took over the earth, I feel some relief from that.

Luke: oh god damit!

Cat: what happened?

Luke: the systems are going off line! This isn't good!

Cat: oh god! We need to stop and fix it.

Daniel: lucky for you, you have an engineer.

Cat: thank god!

Daniel: Luke I will need you to stop the ship, and Cat your going to have to help me go into the tunnel of the bottom of the ship and help update and repair the system.

Cat: but I'm not an engineer, I'm just a scientist.

Daniel: don't worry! I'll talk you through it!

Cat: ok.

Daniel: Luke, stop the ship and have the tunnel door open.

Luke: alright! But hold onto something! It's gonna be bumpy!

Daniel: WOAHHH!!!!! AGGGHHH!!!!OUCH!!!!!
My head just hit the table of controls. And it hurt like fuck!

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