Chapter 21: The Rescue

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Daniel's POV:
It's been ages and no sign of Joey. We met back up. Tyler and Luke came back to the entrance where me and Shane were at.

Daniel: Any luck?

Tyler: no, there's no sign of him.

Luke: but don't worry Daniel, we will keep searching.

Daniel: we will, but now let's stick together and look around at the top floor. Maybe they might be holding Joey there.

Shane: it's worth a look. Let's do it.

We carefully sneaked around the top floor, looking through chambers to chambers. I looked into one chamber and saw a machine that had a long tube. I looked carefully and saw what the tube was connected to, and it had me in shock.

It was Joey!!!! He was chained up, unconscious and had a tube coming out his stomach connected to a machine.

Daniel: He's Here.

Luke: He Is?!

Daniel: shhh, keep your voice down. Yes he is here.

Shane: ok then let's get him out.

We tried to unlock the door, nothing worked. Till Tyler discovered.

Tyler: guys I have found that the door won't unlock, as it requires an Android to unlock it. We need an Android finger print.

Daniel: are you for real? I need to get my boyfriend outta here, and now we have to get an Android, to unlock it. Like will an Android really agree to free Joey?

Tyler: I'm sorry Daniel but this is the only way.

Shane: guys, we could just kill an Android and use it's finger to unlock the door.

Daniel: that sounds like a good idea, but how would we kill an Android, without the other Androids knowing?

Luke: we could stun them.

Shane: sounds a little bit better, but how would we-

Shane was cut off by the sound of footsteps. We quickly got out our stun guns, setting them to stun. It was an Android and boy the didn't look happy. Without hesitation, I stunned the an Android in the stomach, they fell limp and collapsed to the floor.

Daniel: get it's hand before, it wakes up.

Shane grabbed its hand, placing it's finger on the pad. The door unlocked instantly, we went in. When Joey up close, tore me apart. He looked pale, he had bruises and cuts all over him. We unchained him and cut the tube, disconnecting it from the machine.

Luke: ok, we got Joey. Now let's get out of here.

I pulled Joey over my shoulder, we sneaked out the top floor being as quick as possible. Soon we made it out the building, putting our invisibility shields on. I laid Joey in the emergency cot of the shuttle ship, as we got ready for take off.

I took his hand in mine, rubbing the cold skin. He was still unconscious, which worried me, then all of a sudden i saw blood coming out of where the tube is. It was a lot of blood.

Daniel: we need to hurry back, he's bleeding and is losing a lot of blood! We to hurry!

Luke: Oh snap!

We finished getting strapped in and set off. We rushed back to the planet, and as soon we got back, Joey was rushed to the medical bay.

Ray: what happed here?
Ray said as I set Joey down on the medical cot.

Daniel: he was captured by Androids who nearly tried to kill him. They put tube into him which was connected to a machine, blood was spilling out of him. Please you have to help!

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