Chapter 25: Talks and Forgiveness

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Next day.....

Joey's POV:
Today I'm going to talk to Daniel about this whole Luke situation. After what Luke had told me, I could tell he was hurt. Daniel tends get like that when things happen with his loved ones, he blames a friend. He did it before when his brother got into a car accident with Sawyer. It wasn't Sawyer's fault, but he blamed him.

Of course it hurt Sawyer and took some time to convince Daniel that he was out of line. Eventually he admitted to his mistakes and apologised but it took a lot of convincing.

The time was already 9:30 in the morning and Daniel was still getting ready, I'm going to talk to him as I went to the small bathroom, seeing him tidying his hair.

Daniel: morning my love, how you feeling?

Joey: better, um look Daniel I need to talk to you about something. It's about Luke.

Daniel: has a feeling it would be about him. What is it then that you wish to say.

Joey: I talked to Luke yesterday and he told me what you had said to him and I explained that it wasn't his fault on what happens to me. You had no need blame him for it.

Daniel: But he was a part of what happened to you, if it wasn't for him you would still be human. It's his fault.

Joey: no it's not, in fact I always put others first, I insisted he goes into that tele-porter before me, why? Because I care and put others before myself.

Daniel: see this is the problem with you joey. You always have to put others in front before yourself, if Luke wasn't there with you then you could have made it, but since he was you just had to save him before even saving your self!

Joey: What are you talking about? I'm fine, I'm really not liking what your saying, but you have got to understand what you did was out of line and you need to accept that and apologise to Luke.

Daniel: that's it! Let's just have a break I need to think.

Joey: What? Are you breaking up with me?

Daniel: no, I meant a break from us.

He walked out leaving me alone in the shuttle ship, I felt somewhat conflicted but yet broken. But if a break is what he wants then it's a break we'll get.

After that conversation I couldn't see Daniel the same, now I see him differently. He needs to come to his senses and apologise, I can't keep doing this anymore, it's not love when your constantly convincing your indenial love to apologise to your friend.

Daniel's POV:
I don't know what to do. Joey needs to see that Luke was a part of what happened to him. The problem with Joey is that he puts other people before him, he even does it in a life and death situation. It's what makes him weak.

Now I don't know if we'll be together or not even though I'm the one who called the break.

Working was hard when thinking about everything me and joey have discussed. Listening to the meeting was also hard when seeing Joey sitting  diagonally opposite from me, he was sitting next to Shane and next to Shane was Luke.

He didn't look at me or make any eye contact.

Captain: so what we know is that the sphere the away team discovered, happens to be the source of the Androids strength and yet life. If we can destroy this sphere then the androids will weaken and die, therefore we'll get our home back.

Tyler: may I just say, we may have found what keeps the androids alive but we don't know how to destroy it without damaging the earth. These aren't things you can just smash with a hammer, this is something that has to be disconnected.

Captain: well I do hope your wrong, this sphere has to be destroyed for good.

Tyler: Look Captain you don't understand. There may also be a computer programme involved in it which the androids are connected to and that may have to be deleted before even physically disconnecting the sphere.

Captain: fine whatever you say, if your certain that your correct then you and your away team can be the ones to disconnect this sphere. If it's a success then earth will be safe once again and we can return.

We all remained silent then he adds:

Captain: ok meeting dismissed.

We all walked out, Joey not wanting to talk to me. He probably hates me now, I bet after today he'll tell me he wants to break up.

Shane sees I'm alone and comes up to me and says:

Shane: Daniel if you want Joey back you need to apologise to Luke, Joey still loves you but he wants you to apologise to his friend, it's hurting him and it's hurting Luke. Think about it.

He said as he walked off and disappeared down the corridor. I bet Joey told him to say that to me. He wants me to feel guilty.

Hours later....
That evening Joey went to stay with Shane, leaving me by myself with Cat who didn't talk to me. It feels like all my friends have distanced themselves from me. It hurts.

I felt empty. Mind consumed by guilt. Maybe Joey is right.

Author's Note:
Looks like Daniel is coming to his senses. But anyways that's not the end my dears, there will be more in the next two final chapters.

Bye! :)

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