Chapter 19: Risking Four Lives

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A day later...

Joey's POV:
Today was the day, where me and Daniel had to go on the away, mission. I was nervous but knew I could pull through with Daniel by my side. We stared getting ready and made our way to the shuttle ship, where we met Tyler and Luke. This shuttle ship was different to ours it seemed more darker and hand almost glass keys on the control panels. The size of the ship was a little smaller but weirdly enough it felt more cozy.

Tyler: finally you guys are here, we were starting to think you changed your minds.

Daniel: why would we? Besides we have to do this.

Luke: get to your stations, and fasten your seat belts, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

We get into our stations, fastening our seat belts, as soon as we had the control panels on, Luke started the ship and we set off. It was a very bumpy ride, but as soon as we're off the planet it was no longer bumpy.

Joey: I have a headache from all that bumpiness.

Luke: well it's a good thing I warned you guys.

Tyler: well we have a long journey, as Earth is on the other side of the galaxy.

Luke: we'll be there in no time! We'll travel at full speed.

Daniel: sure that's a safe idea?

Luke: course it's safe, gosh you Capillas ask so many questions.

Daniel: hey I was once human, and becoming Capilla wasn't a choice.

Luke: oh yeah I'm sorry about that, must be hard.

Joey: Cat has found a way to make him human again.

Luke: has she now?

Daniel: yes, but she needs to do more tests to develop it.

Luke: ah I see, well we better get down to business with this whole away mission.

We continued flying around in space till we reach a Milky Way. As went through it we saw blackness and then for a second we saw a single planet, as we got a little closer that single planet was earth. We're here.

Luke: ok guys get ready for this guys, it's gonna be a bumpy ride.

We began going into earth, the ride was rough and bumpy, control panels were beeping like crazy. The bumpiness stops and we see our selves at the city, we're we used to live before the Androids took over. Now looking at it even fuller of technology than before. We could see people wearing metallic clothes, when looking at their eyes, they looked artificial as the pupils were like metal.

Joey: can they see us?

Tyler: no they can't. As soon as we arrived I put a invisibly shield over the ship, so that they can't see or detect us.

Luke: we land here.
Luke said landing us in a place outside of the city, still with the invisibility shields. We off from our seats, and all grab a taser gun each, along with some of our equipment and other weapons.

Tyler: all ready? Let's go.

We left the ship, and snuck our way to the middle tower of the city. Knowing that's were the energy comes from. We wore invisibility bands, so that the androids couldn't see us, but however we can't hold the invisibility for too long, so as soon as we get in we had to turn them off, so that they can recharge.

Tyler: how about we split up.

Luke: yeah that's a good idea. Then we can meet back here.

Tyler: me and Daniel, you and Joey.

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