Chapter 19- Hoco Day (part 3)

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The bell rang to end the day. Throughout the halls you heard everyone talking about the game tonight. I grabbed my backpack and Taylor and I hurried to her car. We didn't really need to see the freshman game, at least the beginning we didn't. We went back to my house to change into our homecoming court dresses. The other day we went out and bought another two dresses for the game, it was mandatory. Luckily only seniors have to have the long gowns, we only needed cocktail dresses. I had Brianna do my hair once she was done with her own. I did our makeup. She had a black dress and I had a light blue one. I decided to wear matching blue flats because I would be standing a lot tonight and heels would be killer. Brianna had her favorite black pumps that she swears to be comfortable, I doubt they will.
Taylor drove us back to the school and the freshman game was only one quarter in, I think. I don't get football no matter how many times Lucas tries to explain it. We got to the bleachers and the yearbook committee wanted a picture with Isabel, Taylor, and I. We took the picture and they wandered off.
Taylor and I decided last night that we weren't going to wear Lucas and Gavin's jerseys because of the dresses and it'd be a pain. Taylor and I walked around for a little while and decided to hang out with the volleyball team.

A few hours passed, I think, it felt like forever. The varsity team came out on the field. They won the first quarter, however that works.
"Will you go to the bathroom with me?" I ask Tay.
"Sure." She said.
We walked to the school and entered the main doors. We walked to the bathrooms and I closed the door.
"I needed to tell you something Lucas and I were talking about this morning." I say.
"Ok..." She said nervously.
"We both know that we like each other and are quite open about it. He kept really trying to convince me to date him. I said that we couldn't because I'm not a cheerleader and his friend isn't all about him dating me. He recommended that we keep it a secret until the season was over for him. I didn't agree, at least right away. I was going to think about it but if we date you'll be the only person who knows. Maybe Gavin but I don't know. Tay, I'm crazy for him. I don't know what to do, at all. He said something about how we almost kissed twice, which is true, and he said we should just do it because whether we date or not were going to kiss, it's inevitable. I want to kiss him. I'm crazy for Lucas Braden Clark and I've never been crazy for someone, and I never thought it'd be him." I say and bite my lip.
"Awe, that's so cute. Why don't you just ask him out after the game?" She asked.
"The thing is that I don't know if I want to date because of keeping it a secret and volleyball." I say.
"I guess I get it but you should make up your mind before he loses interest." She said.
"That's what Haley and her stupid boyfriend keep telling me." I roll my eyes and cross my arms.
"They're not wrong." She said and went in a stall.
I did the same because I actually had to pee. I washed my hands and we went back to the field. We were still winning but the score was getting a little close. That changed quickly. We ended up winning the game 53-40, or something like that.
"The final score for our 2016 homecoming game is 53 Knights, 40 visitor. Everyone please stay seated for the crowning of our homecoming court." The announcer said.
Taylor, Isabel, and I hurried out to the track. We stood on one side of the announcer all three boys stood on her other side of him. I have Lucas a thumbs up for a good job at his first game back.
"I'm so excited." I smile.
"Me too, I think you'll win but either way I'm happy." She smiled.
"If you win I'm happy." I hug her.
"Ladies first, as always. Ah, okay. The homecoming princess in the eleventh grade is...." The marching band gave a drum role, "In second place, Taylor Jones. Now the winner is Samantha Holmes!"
I smiled and hugged Taylor. I walked up to him and received my crown, bouquet of flowers, and my sash. Taylor got a sash and a bouquet of flowers, same with Isabel.
"Now the homecoming prince is... Lucas Clark and in second place Gavin Hanson!" The announced yelled.
Lucas got a crown, sash, and flowers. Gavin got a sash and flowers, so did the other guy. We took our places back in line but off to the side. The seniors stepped up and were announced.
"We won." I smiled and hugged Lucas.
Taylor was excited she took second, she thought she wasn't even going to get that. Gavin hugged her and you could tell he didn't care as much. I saw my sister walking up to us.
"Mom couldn't come but she wants a picture with all four of you and I know it's embarrassing but I need a picture." Haley said. Adam was next to her smiling at how we celebrate homecoming.
We posed for the camera and took the picture. A woman, who appeared to be Gavin's mom walked up. Taylor's mom and dad walked up.
"You didn't win but second is still good, maybe next year you'll win." Gavin's mom said.
"Do you still want a picture?" Mrs. Jones asked.
They shrugged and took one picture.
I noticed Lucas wave someone's attention. Two people walked up that seemed to be his parents.
"Congratulations, sweetie." His mom hugged him, she was a lot shorter than him. I could tell Lucas gets his height from his dad, they're about he same size.
"Thanks mom." He chuckled.
I gave Haley a look as to say "this is awkward" she nodded and laughed.
"Where's the Sammy girl you talk about?" His dad looked around.
"Sam's right here." He pointed his thumb behind him toward me.
"Oh, I didn't realize your real name was Samantha, I should've know." His dad laughed.
"You look very pretty." His mom hugged me, Lucas stood there and awkward scratched the back of his neck.
"Thank you, Mrs...?" I drag on.
"Becky, and this is my husband Phil." She smiled.
"It's nice you meet you." I smile.
"Alright well let's take pictures." She stepped back and pulled out her phone.
I went to Lucas's side and put one hand behind his back and the other on his abdomen area. Well, let's face it, I put my hand on his abs. His hand was holding his flowers, Haley had mine, and the other hand was around my waist. I smiled my best smile as she took a few pictures. Mrs. Becky stopped and looked at Haley holding my flowers.
"Are you, uh, Sam's mom?" She asked Haley.
"Oh not at all. I'm her older sister, my mom was busy with work tonight so she wouldn't make it." She laughed.
"Alright good because I thought you looked far too young to be a mom." She laughed.

Taylor came and told me that she was taking Gavin home because they were going to hang out there for a little while. Haley said that her and Adam were going to go to the movies because it was the first night it was open and the had to get there early. Everyone had taken off and I was about ready to cry and walk home. I looked and saw Lucas walking to his car.
"Lucas, wait!" I call out.
I ran up to him and he looked very confused.
"Everyone left so can I have a ride?" I ask.
"Yeah, of course." He said.
I climbed in the passenger seat and buckled up. He started the car and began to pull out.
"You did great tonight." I say.
"You looked great tonight." He smirked.
"I'm ignoring the smirk and just going to thank you." I say.
"Seems legit enough." Lucas shrugged and chuckled.
We talked about when he would pick me up tomorrow just so that we were all positive. We pulled in my drive way and I was about to get up and thank him.
"I can walk you up." He said and got out.
"Alright." I say and get butterflies.
Was he going to kiss me? No, I'm not ready. My lips are chapped and I've never had the chance to practice on my pillow and hand. What if he goes for tongue I freeze up.
We stopped at my door and he faced me.
"You said we would stay friends until at least homecoming, so have you made a decision?" He asked.
"I meant homecoming dance, but I don't know." I sigh.
"Look Sam, you're driving me crazy. Not a bad crazy, but a semi good crazy. If you don't even have the same feelings that I have for you now would be a good time to tell me so that I don't get hurt and no one does." He ran a hand through his hair.
I sighed and gestured towards the bench. We sat down on the porch.
"Lucas, I like you. I literally just told Taylor how crazy I am for you. I haven't been telling you the things I like about you because I was avoiding an awkward conversation." I say.
"What do you like about me because I have a few things I would be willing to share if you told me." He said.
"Let's start with physical features then personality. Your eyes. Oh my god Lucas your eyes make me melt inside. You hair in our freshman year was cute, and now it is amazing, ugh. Your height is perfect, it's not to tall or short. Your cologne is the best I've ever smelt but now that I've said this do not drown yourself in it because that's bad. This next feature might seem weird but if we were going to date you should get used to the compliment and if you can't get used to it then don't date me. Your abs are flawless. They may not be this high def Zac Effron six pack but I've never liked abs like that much. Now for personality, you're smart, nice, funny, athletic, caring, brave, strong, and so much more and that's why I like you so much." I say and immediately become embarrassed that I admitted all this.
"I guess it's my turn. Keep in mind I am a hormonal teenage boy, not a pervert. Your hair color and length is perfect, your eye color is beautiful, the way you do your makeup is light which I like better than twenty pounds of makeup, your smile is contagious, um well your curves are pretty attractive, and there's other things too but I already regret everything I've said." He sighed.
"Do you respect that I don't want to date?" I blurt out with red cheeks from blushing.
"Yes, but please don't make me wait too long." He whined.
"I'll try." I smile.
We stood up and walked back to my front door I unlocked it and stepped inside. I heard Lucas step down the first step.
"Wait." I turn around.
Lucas faced me and I went on my tip toes. I pecked his cheek and walked inside. I looked out the window and saw him blush then walk away like he just won the perfect girl, but I'm no perfect girl. I'm not a cheerleader.

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