Chapter 5

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The pulling sensation continues, and I suddenly find myself facing a bright white light. The light softens, and I see where I am. The trees surrounding me are a deep green, almost shimmering in the sunlight. The colours here are so vibrant, even the sky seems to be a deep blue, almost touchable. Sunlight bathes everything in a warm glow, and it seems to seep into you, so you feel the energy it gives. At the same time, a shiver runs down my spine, as if I am being watched. I turn around and see nothing. Just empty space surrounding me, the trees are still, as if with bated breath, waiting, watching, to see what the next move will be. The silence is eerie, but calming and I find myself drawing longer breaths with more ease. Yet i still feel watched.Not threatened, just watched in a friendly way. I'm scared if I say something they'll go away, but at the same time I want to know who they are.

"H-hello? Is anyone there?"

"I would've thought that question was going to be asked ages ago. But I suppose you're right, it does make sense to get your bearings, then ask who's there."

The voice is melodic, yet solid, but I still see no one.

"Where exactly are you? I can't see you."

"You're looking the wrong way. Up here, in the oak tree to your right."

As I look up I see a small figure perched on a branch above me, it's a fae. I think.

"Oh. Hello. What are you doing?"

"What does it look like?"

"Umm..sitting in a tree?" I ask gingerly not wanting to be wrong, or rude. It is my first visit here. Wherever that might be.

"Correct. I was waiting for you actually. I knew you'd be here soon. We've been waiting for you, for a while now. We initially thought your powers would develop before, but nevermind. Better late than never as they say. Right. Enough blabbering on about everything. Follow me."

I struggle to keep up with the fae, as she darts quickly from branch to branch, with the ease of a bird, flitting about the forest. I follow her for what seems like an eternity, through woods, streams, and beautiful clearings. The wooded parts of this place give way to a mountain looming above the plains surrounding it. The green slopes of the mountain give way to sparkling snow, making the mountain look elegant. I wonder where we are headed, it must be either in the foothills of the mountain or in the woods on the slopes. Because I stopped, the fae I was following has disappeared.

"Over here, hurry, we need to get there fast otherwise you'll be locked out."

I see her, and run over to where she is, perched on a branch rather impatiently waiting for me.

"I never asked, what's your name?"

She doesn't seem surprised at the question. "My name is Lis. I already know who you are, so don't bother telling me your name. Right. Let's get going."

As we near the foothills of the mountain, I see the top of a house. It must belong to the fae. When we enter the city, the houses each have their own style, but blend together. Each rooftop tells a different story, the first starting with a battle between the fae and a lion, the next continuing the story but so differently. The colours seem alive, and the paintings almost move.

I am once again dragged out of my thoughts by our surroundings, and the fact that Lis is practically yelling at me.


"I said, you'll need to get fitted for a uniform. Oh and don't slouch as we walk in, they won't like it."

Before I have time to utter a single syllable more, two doors open, letting us into what I can only dream is a banquet hall, full of important looking people, with gorgeous clothes. I am prodded along by Lis, who seems to be getting more and more impatient, but still willing to try and stick to my side. The domed ceiling above us is full of beautiful designs, of fae and nature. The colours and forms glow, as if on fire, making the shadows look alive, and everything seems to stop as I walk towards the front of the room, all eyes on me.

"Hello Ellie. I have been waiting for you."

"I-I'm sorry to have kept you waiting?" I hesitantly speak, not sure if she wanted me to say anything. A wave of giggles passes through the hall, and I'm not sure whether to feel relieved that they don't seem to completely hate me or embarrassed that I stuttered in front of who I think is the queen.

"You have not kept me waiting, rather we have been waiting for longer than you know, and longer than you have been alive. We knew you would come you see, so we made ready our kingdom."

All I can manage at this point is a weak smile, not really prepared to have this weight suddenly thrust on my shoulders. She seems to have sensed this, and begins t whisper to a fae next to her.

"Get this girl some food, and a bed. She is no doubt tired from her journey, and will need to rest."

As soon as the queen says this, I begin to wonder what the fae eat. The same as mortals? My answer comes quickly when I see a small table and chair with a plate piled high with what I can only imagine must be the best food in the world. I seat myself down and begin to eat. Even the flavours are intense, seeming more and more real than that of the mortal world. When I finish my meal I am escorted to a room where things have been laid out for me, on a beautiful four poster bed, with blue-green sheets and a purple pillow. I sink into the bed and fall into a deep sleep.

I'm stuck. Flames all around me, engulfing me in their heat, choking me, and no escape. I'm drowning in the heat, no one can hear my screams, it's over.

   A/N: Ello, I'm back with another chapter.  A day late I know, but please forgive me, I'm in exam season at the moment. What do you think of the chapter? Let me know in the comments. Please don't be a silent reader, vote, and comment. Until next time, 

Char xox 

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