Chapter 8

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The queen finished her speech and the deafening applause that ran through the hall was incredible. Never in my life had I even seen this many people, but to have them applaud someone was truly spectacular. I was still trying to process what she said, not sure what it all meant for me, or anyone else for that matter. What would happen to all of us that were chosen? It was hard to think about. I mean I had barely gotten to know my energy, and only one of them really well. What was I going to do? I needed to find Naida, quickly.

I ran around the hallways, trying to find her, before stumbling upon an open door which seemed to lead into a room for the teachers here. I peeked in and saw her. Immediately I tried to subtly wave her over, trying to convey the urgency of the situation. She eventually saw me, not before she whipped her head around to make sure that it was really me who needed her.

"Yes, what is it? Let me guess, it's the training that's open for the fifteen and sixteen year olds that's scaring you, you have no idea what to do, let alone how to use any of your energies properly, because you haven't had that much practice, and then you came running to me."

"Uh, yes. What do I do because I have no idea and-" she cut me off with one of her looks.

"I know. Come with me, and let's walk together. We have a lot to talk about."

I followed her out of the castle, and down to a large lily pond which I hadn't noticed before. As Naida sat, she began talking.

"So, first of all, don't be worried. The training is to test how well you can manage in a team, using all of your energies to help each other get through various obstacles they will have up. Don't ask me what they are, I don't know, and if I did, I wouldn't tell you anyway. Secondly, you will either be grouped with friends or people of the same skill level as you. Thirdly, trust your instinct, it is the best weapon you could have, and it will serve you well. The training's aim is to see what your strengths and weaknesses are, and then to evaluate the way in which you learn best. It isn't one for everyone because with the younger group we know where they are, and it's as you get older that your energy develops a certain way of behaving, which is when they need to group you into classes accordingly. Then the classes become more specific to your energy, therefore refining your skills."

"So why me? Why now? What's going on?"

"Those are questions I can't answer at the moment, and they're for you to find the answers for. Now, get plenty of rest. You will have a very long day ahead of you tomorrow and you will need all of your senses to get through whatever they will throw at you."

I left, getting lost on the way back and bumping into random fae who I haven't yet met. As I neared my room, I felt more relaxed. I mean they wouldn't put us through something dangerous that could kill us. I mean some of us have just begun to manifest and learn about how to deal with our energies, so it's bound to be physically draining, but otherwise fine. At least that what I told myself as I fell into bed.

The next day, full of apprehension I got into the fitted long pants and comfy jersey that have been left for me. Oddly enough, here pants aren't just for boys, girls can wear them too, which is great. I left my room with a wistful smile on my face, not knowing the team I would be in, or the challenges that lay ahead. As I walked into the main hall, I could see Kalen, Alvin, Raisie and Cordelia sitting together at one of the far tables. I went over to them and sat down, the headmistress, walked in and immediately chatter ceased.

"Good morning. I trust you have all slept well, and are well prepared for today's training." at this, grins went around the room, as if everyone was too tired to laugh, but shared a secret with one another. "Now, for those of you who have not done this before, expect it to challenge you both mentally and physically. Don't forget, if you need help, it will be given to you. However, if you want help but do not truly need it, nothing will happen. That is your warning. Go and enjoy yourselves. After all, it is for fun and learning." she smiled and walked out of the room.

As soon as she left, chatter broke around the room, with no-one really knowing what teams they would be in, or what the challenges would be. Then, a woman who looked to be about in her mid forties came up to the front and began to announce the teams. After a long list of people, there was only Kalen , Cordelia, Alvin, Raisie, Ember and me left. We glanced at one another and began to leave the room , heading for the training grounds. I didn't know where it was so I followed my friends out.

As we neared the training grounds, all I could see was a shimmering wall, with animals guarding it. Before any of us could fully react, Ember shot out a jet of light, presumably to see how the animals would react to energy flow.

Exactly what she thought would happen we didn't know, but what happened next shocked us all...

A/N: Here you go! I finally updated my book! I'm, sorry for the wait, but it has been a bit stressful, with exams ending, and Graduation from high school in two days. So I will try to update within the next week, if I don't please don't cut me. Sorry for the cliffhanger, but it was the only way I was happy with the chapter. Dedicated to @ZelZel7 for the amazing cover. Please vote if you enjoyed this chapter.


Char xox

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