Chapter 16

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Something was off about the mimics. They looked like humans, yes, but they were flawless to the point of it being unnatural. We slowly walked forward, not knowing what to do, but wary of any danger. The only way to get past them was to fight. Or outsmart them. We would have to retreat and plan what to do. Using brute force would be stupid because then we would be tired and who knew what lay ahead of us. I signalled to the others that we needed to run for cover of some sort before we got destroyed in this fight.

As we all retreated I saw Cordelia and Raisie exchange knowing looks.

"All right, what are you two plotting?"

Raisie was the first to answer. "Well, given that we have seen this sort of thing before, we though it could be a good idea to see if we can trap them in a corner or something that way they can't get out. We would have to create the cage thing from last annee, and then go from there. Although we will need something more than that, it could be a good start?"

"Great, anyone else got any ideas?"

This time it was Kalen who spoke. "We should do that Rai, but I think we can also create something like a trap if they manage to get out. We don't want them scaring anything more."

We all nodded in agreement, it was settled then. The first thing we did was delegate roles. Kalen and Ember would create the cage, Raisie and Cordelia would set the trap and I was to corner them near the cage.

We set out with our plan and saw them waiting for us. As the others began to set up the cage and trap I began to sweat, although having cornered various monsters I should have been fine. Not these ones. I slowly crept forward and began to get closer to them. I knew that I had little time, and what little of it I had I would use. Slowly and without force I began to explore their minds. They were devoid, insipid, blank, boring. I knew for sure then that they were not real, but we would still have to defeat them. They began to move backwards, sensing the energy flows of the others. I had to do something and fast. In a flash i was on them pushing them gently with my energy. I could sense their confusion but they would still do whatever I made them do. Soon enough they were in the corner by the cage.

Once they were in the cage I breathed a sigh of relief and hugged the others. We had completed the first obstacle in training.

We marched to what would be a long journey through a lush green forest. The forest was still and silent, as if it knew we were on a mission. Trees silent, birds flitting about, calmness surrounding us. How we managed to walk in such comfortable silence I will never know. We were all in our thoughts, mesmerised by the forest and finding peace there.

We came across a river, too wide to leap over, far too wide to try and make a boat for. We were stuck until we could find a way to cross it. Once we were across it it looked like there would be more forest, with goodness knows what dangers in there.

As we stood on the side of the river a swell of water began to surge.

Alvin was the first to react.

"Quick! Get away from the water! It's going to swallow us all if we don't get back!"

We all ran to the safety of the trees and stood there panting before we gingerly looked back at the river to see it had calmed down, but something was rising from the depths. The water parted and a creature emerged. We all froze, not knowing what to do. Suddenly the creature spoke in a deep voice that reverberated around the trees.

"Kia ora koutou. To cross this river one of you will have to answer a riddle."

It spoke in a language I had not heard for a long time, it reminded me of the life I had before i discovered I was a fae. The others looked very confused so I spoke to them.

"It's speaking in Maori, the language I spoke when I was in the mortal world. I can still understand it. Let me talk to it."

They nodded in agreement, happy to let me take charge. The creature continued talking in Maori.

"The riddle will not be easy wahine, it will test knowledge and wit. Go korero with your friends. My name is Tāminamina and I guard this awa. Tell them the task. I will wait."

With that I turned to my friends and told them what Tāminamina had said. We deliberated for a while then as we reached a consensus, I turned to the taniwha and told him our decision.

"Are you sure of your decision wahine?"

"Yes I am sure."

In a deep voice with his eyes closed Tāminamina began to recite a riddle as if in a faraway place.

"If you like pretty gems that sparkle and shine, I invite you to dig in my virtual mine. My first is purple, fit for a king, My second is green where Dorothy did her thing. My third is red, July's birthstone as well, My fourth is seen in strings and is found inside a shell. My fifth is hard, pure Carbon and expensive to buy, My sixth is Crocidolite, striped like the big cat's eye. Seventh is two words, a man-made fake of April's stone, Eighth is very dark and found at Lightning Ridge alone. Now take from each gem, one letter in its turn, And you will find the stuff for which even the god's yearn."

I stood shocked, how would I solve this riddle?

The taniwha looked at me expectantly, waiting for an answer.

A/N: Hello! I know it's been forever since I updated but uni is hitting me hard at the moment, assessments galore and only so many hours in a day. Hope you enjoyed the chapter. More will be up soon i promise. This time I won't take a month to update. 

QOTC(Question of the chapter): What do you think the answer is? Will Ellie solve it?


Wahine: means woman in Maori. 

Taniwha: mythical creature that can embody any form it chooses. 

Awa: means river in Maori

Korero: means to talk in Maori.  

See you next chapter!

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Char xox

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