Chapter 6

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As I stand engulfed in the flames I hear someone call my name. I turn around and around, but see no-one, just flames, empty space beyond them. As the voice gets louder, I see no-one, just darkness beyond the flames. Suddenly I am jolted, thought by what, I cannot tell. The flames fade quickly, leaving me vulnerable to whatever may come. I begin to get my bearings, and see that I am not in fact surrounded by flames of any sort, I bear no burns, no marks, just warmth still lingering on my skin. I find myself once again in my room, the fire must have been a dream. I sit up and notice Naida is in my room, looking concerned.

"You were yelling and screaming. What happened?"

"I was surrounded by flames, and there was no-one I didn't know what to do-" I broke off, in tears at the memory of how it felt. I was so alone, left, abandoned, as if I was nothing. Naida saw my tears and moved to give me a hug. We embraced, and I felt home, like I had never felt before. The comfort I got was like a warm blanket on a winter night, or the cold side of the pillow when you're just too hot. It was home. She even smelled like home, fresh rain, earth, and a hint of jasmine flowers. I broke it off first, sensing that she wanted to say something.

"You'll be okay little one, it takes time adjusting to this world but I promise it will be okay. Everything will fall into place. Now, it's high time you got dressed and came to breakfast. Just go down the hall, turn right at the second door, then take a left into the main hall, where you were last night."

She leaves and I get dressed into the clothes left for me in a cupboard by the window. I walk out into the hallway and try not to gasp at the beautiful portraits lining the walls. Each one has a kind and wise face, yet somewhat proud, and carries an air of regalness that I haven't seen before. Thoughts swirl around in my head, and I begin to wonder if one of these faces is my parents, or maybe a distant relative that can explain what happened. Why me? What did I do to be a fae? I'm just a normal girl from Aotearoa, New Zealand who grew up in an orphanage like so many others. What makes me different? I stumble into the main hall, I'm late it seems, nearly everyone is gone, but a friendly looking fae waves me over, and I join him and his friends at the long table.

"You must be Ellie. I'm Alvin this is Raisie, that's Cordelia, and this is Kalen."

"Hi, and yes I am Ellie. Wow this food is gorgeous."

They laugh, amused at my newness.

Cordelia leans towards me conspiratorially, "Yes the food is amazing. So, before Alvin decides to tell you all the bad things about us, we're all healers except Kalen who's a warrior like Naida. So what energy do you wield Ellie?"

I went beet red for a moment then regained myself, it was best to be honest, after all, they could help. "Uh, silver, purple, and gold. I'm not entirely sure what it all means."

"Wow" breathed Raisie who up until this point had been silent. They all gaped at me, Kalen seemed to be the most surprised, I guess because of my age, and the fact that I haven't grown up here, so I have no idea who my parents are, or what they were like. It's all so much to take in, all at once, piling up, like paper does when you can't find the one sheet you were looking for. The silence broke when someone at the front of the room cleared their throat and began to speak.

"Now I have your attention, I will get onto the pressing matters. Firstly, to the new arrival, welcome, and I hope you will find this experience rewarding and full of learning curves. Secondly to everyone else, have a good week, and don't forget training on Saturday for those of you that have been selected. Now, off to class!"

And with that, everyone dispersed, leaving the woman who spoke and me in the room. She motioned for me to approach her, and I walked up to her, expecting the worst. She smiled gently, and internally my butterflies calmed.

"So, you are Ellie, correct?"

I nodded mutely.

"Here is your schedule, it will be your timetable for the time being until we can find out where you are with your abilities. Most of your classes will be practical based, but there will be theory ones to balance our your knowledge, and to complement your skills. Right, off you go, and remember, should you ever need help, my office is on the right hand side, fourth hallway to the left from this hall."

"Thank you, for everything."

"You are most welcome sweetie."

I walk to my first class, Energies and how to use them-purple, silver gold. Room 806, sixth floor corridor.

I walk into my classroom expecting to see a shabby old professor with glasses, and a stiff jacket. Instead I see a young woman who seems to be in her thirties, well dressed and smiling.

"Hello Ellie, I am Professor Ariadne, please sit down."

I sat down not knowing what to expect, but certainly knew it was going to be magical. And so it was.

A/N: Ello loves! So to make up for the late chapter last week I have uploaded a new chapter in advance, because I know how you love to read them. My last chapter got 12 reads, can we beat it? Let's see if this one can get 16 reads and five votes. I challenge you. It only takes a moment and really helps. Let me know what you think of this chapter and don't be afraid to give me feedback. 

PS: I will dedicate the next part to whoever has the most creative comment :) 

Until next time,

Charchar xox

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