Chapter 19

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Whoever was following us must have noticed that we had our weapons drawn because there was a beat between when we turned and when they emerged. The first thing I noticed was his clothes. Torn and ragged, he looked as though he'd been in the woods for several days, surviving on pure adrenaline and fear. The glint in his eye held no malice, and he seemed to bear no ill will towards our group. Lowering my kastanas, I looked him in the eye and spoke calmly and strongly.

" What are you doing in these woods? It is hardly a place where many venture, yet here you are."

"I could ask the same of you lot. This is no place for young people such as yourselves." He gestured towards us, not in a condescending way, merely curious as to why we would be in the woods.

"We're here because we were sent here. We need to retrieve something, quickly."

"I may be able to help you there, you see, I am a hunter of sorts we shall say. I will be able to find what it is you're looking for."

I turned to my friends, uncertain of whether to trust him or not. They all looked at me with the same look in their eyes, that of utter trust in whatever I decided.

I turned back to the man, levelled my eyes with his and spoke.

"All right then, you can help us. On one condition. When we find what it is we're looking for, you must stay with us until we have fully resolved the matter. If you are as good as you say, there will be need for you afterwards. What do you say?"

In a gruff voice the stranger replied, "All right then, but what do I get out of this?"

"A reward can be arranged for you."

We shook hands and set up a small fire to warm ourselves and cook the bird we had previously shot down. After the simple meal, we discussed plans to rescue Alvin long into the night. The next morning dawned bright and clear with the promise of a safe journey and easy rescue.

We walked until we came across what appeared to be a large boundary fence. We stopped, unsure of what lay in wait.

Kalen broke the silence that had settled around us.

"This is it. We've found where that bastard keeps his steals. There should be minimal security, and the little there is will be easily dealt with. We will move as a group. Ellie, you and I will take the front, Raisie and Cordelia a side each. And you sir, take the back with Ember. We need to be covered on all sides. It is imperative we get in and out as quickly and silently as possible. If you need to talk, whisper."

We all nodded and slowly began to move forward, silently holding our breaths. Each step meticulously calculated, as we inched forward towards the castle entrance. The entrance neared, and our breathing became faster and heavier. The door was easy to push open, almost too easy, as if someone had already gotten what they wanted out of Alvin. It was worrying to say the least, this was far too easy.

We soon came across a large wooden door blocking who knew what, possibly an entrance to the dungeons where it was most likely Alvin was being held captive. I looked at Kalen and in that moment, it was like we had the same thought. Nodding at one another, we pooled our energies and forced open the door. It swung open and revealed a dark winding stair that appeared to lead down forever. I went first, Kalen and the others close behind me, forming a single file.

The cold in the passage was biting, and we all struggled to stop our teeth chattering loudly. We didn't dare risk a brighter light than what we had for fear of discovery. The walk down was long and there were several times where we had to stop, the stairs were steep and wound down sharply. As we finally got to the bottom of the stairs we saw a hallway full of doors that had small flaps at the bottom. Supposedly these were for food, if they fed the prisoners at all that is.

How were we to find Alvin in all this mess? There were countless doors and there was no way of knowing which one he was in.

The others looked at me and Raisie shrugged. I turned a deep red, realising I had voiced my thoughts aloud.

Kalen took a step forward and spoke.

"We'll go left, that's where he is."

Without question we all followed him, knowing that if anyone had any idea where Alvin was it would be Kalen. He stalked the hallway, confident in where Alvin was. Finally, he stopped, about halfway from where the stairs were to what we thought was the end of the corridor. He stooped down to the flap and began to whistle in a strange pattern.

After he had finished there was a pause, we all held our breaths, anxious to see if it was indeed Alvin's cell. An even stranger melody began, haunting yet full of hope. In the dim light we did have, it was beautiful to witness Kalen's face light up before he used his energy to unlock the door. Alvin stumbled out, looking pale and exhausted. The two fell upon each other's necks, embracing as if they had not seen each other for years. After they broke apart, the whole group crowded around them, hugging Alvin, and witnessing the joy in the pair's eyes. It was a moment we would never forget for fear of losing hope. The love between us all in that moment was so intense that tears were shed. Hot tears fell down Alvin's face, mingling with Kalen's as they hugged for dear life.

Footsteps were heard and we sprung apart. The man with us quickly acted.

"All of you, grab hold of me so I can get us back to the Academy. It'll be faster that way and then we can have the chance to explain why you all were away for so long. She'll have my head for this". He muttered the last part, and only I heard. We quickly ran to him and holding onto him, we disappeared from the dungeon.

As we arrived outside the academy gates the man with us spoke once more.

"Right, now we are all here, it is best we go to the headmistress and tell her what happened. She'll need to know what happened and then she'll act on it."

I couldn't help but be confused. Was he a part of the Academy somehow? Why had I never seen him? The confusion must have shown clearly on my face as Alvin whispered quietly to me.

"He's her secretary. Not just in the paperwork sense, but he also helps with things that awry. I thought he looked familiar, now I know why."

"Then why was he so dishevelled when we first met him?"

"Remember, he may have come back from another training gone wrong, so it's possible he didn't have time to freshen up."

"Makes sense now you say it like that. Thanks."

We briskly walked into the Academy closely following the headmistress's secretary. As we walked along the now very familiar hallways, I felt a sense of ease. I was finally home.


A/N: I am back!! I know it's been a while, but there are plans for more regular updates in the near future. I am planning on publishing chapter 20 next week, about to begin writing it now. Stay tuned for more chapters!!

I want to dedicate this chapter to RosesnWater because her book Netvor is amazing, and give it some love. tell her I sent you, all two of you who actually still read my chapters lol. 


What do you think will happen to our friends? Will they get a break from all the action for a while or will some other adventure come and take them away?

Please vote if you liked it, would mean heaps. Also, this book has been entered into the 2017Watty Awards, so a vote would greatly help. 

That's all for now, 

See you next week!!


Charchar xoxo

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