Chapter 9

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The jet of light which had been sent at the animals was blue. So that meant she was a warrior. But how was she so powerful? She could only have been seventeen or eighteen, and many fae I had seen practicing weren't that powerful. After the initial shock had worn off, we slowly began to approach the animals, to see what they would do after Ember had blasted them. Unfortunately for us they moved towards us, so we froze. Still, and not sure what to do now that they had regained their senses after the blast. Kalen was the first to relax, perhaps he realised there was no danger? We all followed suit, moving slowly back, each trying to figure out what the next move should be. Cordelia spoke first, breaking the comfortable silence we had maintained.
"Right. We need to figure out a quick and useful plan to distract those, and get past the wall. I think if we corner them away from the wall, using our energies as a sort of cage, then we should be able to make a mad dash for it. They are obviously protecting the wall, so if we get them some distance away from it, the wall will begin to we4]aken, making an entrance for us to pass through. So Kalen and Ember you two will need to make a sort of cage but leave one side open, so that we can get them in there. Meanwhile Alvin and Raisie distract them and start to corner them over to Kalen and Ember. As for you and me Ellie, I suggest we make a trail for them to follow. You try to talk to them in your mind, and I will spread a scent for them, which will lead to Kalen and Ember. Don't worry if your first attempts at mind speak don't work, just keep trying. Remember, we're a team now."

We split up into our respective pairings and executed Cordelia's plan, She seemed to be in control of the situation and self appointed leader. Not that any of us minded, at least she was able to think straight.
I began to think about what I wanted the animals to do. I had to find their heads first. I went into the mind world and tried to reach out for anything that seemed to be primal, yet intelligent. I soon found the minds of the animals, and began to see the way they worked. Each animal was the same. The thoughts at the front of their minds revolved around food and protecting the wall. I found it strange how there seemed to be no thoughts of why they were doing another fae's bidding. Then, I found all of their minds and began to explore how I could plant the thoughts of moving towards the cage inside their heads. 'Move towards the bright blue light' I tried to get them to move, so that we could get this over with, but they seemed to be thinking of other things. I began to get frustrated, but remembered that if i got distracted, it would make it worse for all of us. So, I decided to try a new tactic. Cordelia had laid down her scent, so I tried to get them to move towards it so they would get into the cage. Once I had them in the direction of the scent, they seemed very willing to go towards the cage, as if the scent was pulling them how I had been pulled into the fae realm.  

Once we got the animals inside the cage, the wall broke down, and we ran for our lives. The cage which held the animals was only going to last so long, even if Ember was powerful. We ran for what seemed like hours, slow and sluggish yet the scenery moved past very fast. Soon after we stopped to catch our breaths, Ember spoke, out of breath
"Well done. That was quite a plan Cordelia. Right, any bruises or broken things needing mending? No? Good. Let's move on then. I suggest we go forward slowly, our best defence would be Kalen and myself as we're both warriors. Raisie and Cordelia bring up the rear while Ellie and Alvin walk in the middle. That way we have people everywhere looking out for each other. Let's get going."
We walked in silence for a while before noticing that the wooded area we found ourselves in was now silent. You could hear breaths it was so quiet. The silence was deafening, closing in on us like a blanket of suffocation.
I looked behind me to see that both Raisie and Cordelia had gone without a trace.
"Guys" I called out "Raisie and Cordelia have gone. I don't know how!"

A/N: sorry for the late update.
tee hee. Did you like the chapter? How do you think they'll get out of this mess? Leave me your thoughts in the comments. Don't forget to vote if you liked the chapter.  Dedicated to the lovely idayara for the shoutout in her book. See you next update!
Char xox

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