Chapter 17

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My heart raced, my breaths becoming shallower by the second. I thought hard before murmuring to myself. The answer was on the tip of my tongue, tantalising me and teasing my thoughts. Tāminamina began to grow impatient, occasionally staring daggers at me before letting his eyes wander over the surrounding forest. My stomach knotted, as I became more and more tense. After what felt like forever I locked eyes with Taminamina and spoke:

"The answer you seek mighty Taminamina is ambrosia. That is the nectar all gods yearn for."

He did not look at all surprised and moved aside this exposing the dirt path he had created over the river.

"Thank you Taminamina, we will remember this kindness, go well in life taniwha."

"Nga mihi wahine ma, journey well. I am sure this is not the last time we shall meet."

As the taniwha disappeared my friends came rushing around me all asking a million questions at once.

"What did it say?"

"Will we be okay?"

"How did he make that path across the river?"

I shushed them all and answered the questions one by one.

"It gave me a riddle to solve and I solved it. Yes, we will be okay. I don't know how he made the path, the taniwha don't reveal their secrets. They are gods of sorts, and never reveal their powers to anyone but other such things. Does that answer everyone's questions?"

A soft rain began to fall, slowly becoming harsher and harsher. We needed to make a move and fast. After we crossed the river, the dirt path vanished. Running, we set off through the forest and made our way through branches and bushes. Suddenly Kalen stopped. Panting, we all caught up to him, confused.

"Has anyone seen Alvin? How long has it been since anyone saw him?"

We looked around, more confused than before. After a while, Kalen began to seethe. There was something visibly very wrong and we needed to get Alvin back fast.

"Okay, first of all Kalen you need to calm yourself down. I know it's hard because he's not here but please try. We won't get anything done unless we all have level heads. When was the last time anyone saw him?"

At this, Cordelia spoke.

"I know he was with us until five minutes ago. Just after the rain started pelting down."

"Okay, that's a start. Let's retrace our steps and figure out where he went missing."

We walked back, slowly scanning the area around to make sure nothing was left unseen. Suddenly Raisie stopped short. We ran over to her to see what had her so jilted. There had clearly been a struggle, but how none of us had heard was unusual.

Kalen pointed upwards, his voice shaking.

"I think I know what took him. We have to act fast. Before it does any harm to anyone else."

We looked up, following his gaze, all standing in shock. It was indeed time to act. And now. We devised a plan. Kalen, since he was closest to him would send out his energy to see if he could pick up the tracks of where Alvin had gone. I would talk to the animals and ask if they had seen anything. Cordelia and Raisie were to keep tabs on us and stay so that if Alvin came back he would see them.

Kalen set off first, slowly but with purpose. I followed, deviating from his path going in another direction. I walked for what seemed like hours, slowly releasing my energy and talking to the animals I came across. None of them had seen him and I began to despair so I made my way back to where Cordelia and Raisie were in the hopes that Kalen had found something.

When I arrived, I saw Kalen deep in discussion with Raisie and Cordelia.

"Hey, did you find anything?"

"Yeah, I know where he is. We're going to have to get there fast. I don't want anything else happening to him."

"Where is he?"

"He's being held hostage by Xander Nox. He's our worst enemy, he once went to the fae academy, but now he's an outlaw and a very dangerous one."

"We have to go. Now."

We set off, following Kalen at breakneck speed. After hours of running and walking, we halted for the night in a small cave that we had found. As I fell asleep, Kalen taking the first watch, a knot formed in my stomach. It would be a rough night. 

A/N: Hello.  I know it's been forever since I updated, I think I will make it every month from now on because University is slowly draining me of all my energy. I will try and write another chapter in the next two or three weeks and have that up for you all. 

In more personal news, my best friend's brother committed suicide on Thursday(I found out Friday)and I've been processing that. I am still quite shaken and distracted. Please bear with me as I get through this. 

Vote and comment if you enjoyed. 


Stay safe, 

Charchar xox

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