Chapter 21

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To recall every detail of the nightmare became too much. My throat closed up and I had trouble breathing. It wasn't that scary of a nightmare, but it had left me emotionally scarred more than I thought. The therapist noticed my distress and calmly brought me back into a place where I was okay, and could breathe.

"I think what happened with you just now is that your body doesn't want to remember this nightmare. To your body these images are toxic. So I won't press you for any more details today, but let me know if there is an emergency and you need me to bring you back down and into a space where you can breathe. I will see you again in one week's time, in this very room. There will be a note under your door the day before with a time slot."

"Okay, thank you for this. I needed it."

I shut the door quietly, the therapist already examining a piece of parchment on his desk while furiously scribbling something down on another. The hallway was still, silent like a ghost town. It was good to have some silence after the emotional outpour I had experienced, I wasn't sure if I was ready to face my friends just yet.I loved them I truly did, but sometimes all the company you needed was yourself. The beating of your heart and your breaths going in and out was enough to ground yourself before facing people with all their questions. I walked outside, innately going directly to our spot in the grass where I knew I would find my friends sitting and waiting for me. The relief at finding them all safe and whole was more than I could bear and the tears flowed down my cheeks as I sat listening to their chatter. Slowly it died down and left a silence so calm and peaceful we all slowly drifted off to sleep in the sun.

Lazily we awoke from our collective nap and saw it was almost sundown. It seemed we had slept for the better part of the day, and it was well deserved. Classes would resume for us next week as we all had important exams coming up that would determine if we got our wings. We sat in silence, drinking in the last rays of sunshine before a blanket of stars was laid out. Ember jumped up first, eager to get to dinner racing off and yelling

"Last one back has to clean up after the midnight snacks in my room!"

Laughing we all got up and raced after her arriving haltingly in the dining hall, everyone looking at us.

Just as we sat down to eat, the headmistress came in with an amused look on her face. She stood at the front of the room, her eyes glittered with laughter. She began to read from a leaf of parchment in her hand.

"The following students will kindly report to the headmistress's office after dinner at 8 sharp: Ellie Quinn, Kalen, Alvin, Ember, Cordelia, Raisie and Mr Grace also. Enjoy dinner and please be prompt."

She left in a flurry of fae crowding around her wanting to know what had happened but she simply smiled and walked on. A feeling of dread came over me so we hurriedly ate dinner without tasting it and rushed to the headmistress's office not wanting to keep her waiting. As we got there the man who had helped us in the forest was standing outside her office with a small smile on his face as he glanced up at us. We walked over to him and made polite conversation until the door to the office opened and we entered.

The headmistress was sitting at her desk eyes gleaming when we walked into the room. The atmosphere was lively and I felt at ease.

"You are probably wondering why I have called you all here. Mr Grace has informed me of your intelligence, wit, and wisdom. Therefore you have each gained the privilege of having wings. But there is a catch. You will be tested without your knowledge on whether you can keep these wings. I have faith in all of you and no doubt you will all pass. That's all."

We left the room excitement rising as what the headmistress had said sunk in. we would officially have wings!!!

"I wonder what the test will be?"

"Maybe it'll be something we learn in class?"

"Nah. that'd be way too obvious. I think she'll make it in our weapon lessons."

"Ooh, you're probably right, that's when we would least expect it because they aren't really assessed."

"Right I'm off to ask Naida something important, you lot go ahead and I'll meet you under the tree?"

There was a chorus of yeses as I walked off in the other direction.

I arrived at Naida's office and tentatively knocked on the door, not knowing if she would be in or not.

"Enter" came her voice.

"Ah, Ellie, and what can I do for you love?"

"I know it's hard to do but since I'm a fae and all I wondered if there's a possibility that one or both of my parents were fae. I had this thought you see and--" I trailed off, my heart sinking at the no that was sure to follow.

At this Naida looked grave, but rapidly began to speak.

"I know how hard it must be for you not knowing who your parents are. I thought you'd come to me one day about this so I prepared a gift for you."

She handed me a glass vial full of purple liquid.

"Drink this and you will see who they are. But be careful, you will not be with them for long, they will not be able to see or hear you. I suggest taking it before bed so that you have somewhere to lie down when the vision starts."

I nodded gratefully. "Thank you for this. I've got to be off now, but seriously, thank you."

Naida only smiled in response, the light in her eyes twinkling a little brighter than it had for a long time.

That night when I was in my room I thought of the vial. Should I take it now?

Instinct kicked in and soon enough the liquid was down my throat sending a pleasant warmth through my body.

The next thing I knew, everything had changed...

A/N: Hello loves, I know, I know it has been like three months. I am very sorry, life caught up with me and before you know it you have three essays due in the same week and stress is the reigning queen. Please bear with me as I get through exams which are looming. On the 21st of November I will officially be on summer holiday so I will have way more time to write tons.

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See you on the flip side!



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