Chapter 15

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"Ellie, I am here. Not in the physical sense, but I am here. Mind and body separated, I am a free spirit who has come to tell you of your power. You are going to harness a power not seen for centuries, forgotten by all, gone without a trace. You have manifested this power. Guard it with your life."

It carried an air of lightness, but was steady and strong. I listened in wonder as it told me the history of my purple. It told me of courageous fights, wit beyond measure, loyalty to my friends, and finding out secrets that could shatter empires.

******One Year Later******

I found myself in the training hall again, sweat dripping from my body, all my muscles aching, working harder and harder to fight. It had been one year since I got my sword. Now it felt like an extension of my arm. I whirled around, kicking out and jabbing at the moving dummy. The steps were now familiar, muscle memory kicking in, and my tired body moving through the dance like always. I heard something behind me and stopped.

"Let yourself go a bit more, that way your movement becomes more fluid."

A tall man was standing about twenty metres behind me, observing my techniques with a practiced eye. I had never seen him before, which was odd, there weren't many people here.

"Okay, like this?" I said demonstrating with less tension in my body.

He nodded in approval and soon I became lost in the newfound gracefulness of the dance. I barely noticed him there, as I focused every part of my being into the dance. I moved more fluidly now, and could feel my muscles loosening as I wove my way around the dummy, becoming quicker each time I jabbed with Silverlight.

I paused in my training, catching my breath. As I looked up the man was still there, looking at me with a softness in his eyes before they flitted to my sword.

"Yes, it is a kastane. They aren't that rare, you should know that."

"I do know. I was merely admiring the fine workmanship of the blade. Such a fine blade has not been seen for many a year."

"I think you'll find it has. All of my friends have equally good blades, if not better."

"Ah but that my dear, is where you are wrong. Those blades have been forged by goblins, yours is of elvish make. If I am not mistaken, and I rarely am, the blade you carry is one of a kind. It responds to your energy flow."

Shocked, all I could do was nod.

He saluted smartly and walked out of the room, leaving me to wonder about him. Where did he come from? He certainly was very intelligent if he could pick up how Silverlight worked just by seeing the blade. He must have forged many a blade, or at least fought with many a blade to tell how they worked.

Exhausted from my training session, I walked to my room and had a bath before putting on a light top and skirt for classes.

Lunch was uneventful, and I wandered off into the gardens before dinner.

When we sat for dinner, the headmistress came in to announce that this month's group training would take place tomorrow, so classes were cancelled. The next day as I awoke, light filtering in through the cracks of my bedroom window, I felt energised and ready to face whatever monsters would be thrown at us.

As we walked to the training grounds, the familiar sense of foreboding washed over me and I felt almost nauseous with anticipation. Each time we trained as a group it got harder and harder to get out of whatever situation we were placed in. the front field was empty as usual, giving nothing away and leaving the anticipation to build.

My stomach dropped as I saw what we would face. Every single one of them looked daggers at us, causing Ember to turn pale. It was her old friends, the ones who had relentlessly bullied so many young fae over the years.

A/N: Hello! Here are two updates to make up for the lack of anything over the past month. I am very sorry and will get back on track with my upload schedule.

Happy reading!

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Charchar xxx  

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