Chapter 22

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The vision world was like nothing I'd ever seen, full of colour and bursting to life. But was it too perfect? Everything felt too real and too bright. I turned around hearing people speak behind me to see two of the most beautiful fae I had laid eyes on.

The man was wearing a light blue dress shirt hanging loose with black plants while the woman wore a deep purple dress that seemed to float behind her as she laughed at what the man had said. It had to be them. I had her eyes and his hair. It was like looking at the missing pieces of my life only they couldn't come back into it. Even though I didn't know them it felt gut-wrenching to see them knowing it was only temporary.

"Can you believe it? Do you think they'll be identical?"

"I hope they take after you. They'd be so kind."

"I hope they take after you, they'd be so strong."

Did I just hear what they said? Was she having twins?

The couple-or wait, should I be calling them my parents? It was all so confusing... continue to talk about the children they were expecting.

Questions began to swim in my mind, where was this twin? Were they alive? Did I know them? Would they accept me as their sister? Did they know about me?

My vision blurred and I knew I was returning to the fae world, back to my room and some much-needed sleep. The questions from the vision still bounced around in my mind, the way some things just stay there and seem to never leave. I headed off to breakfast eager to ask the others about what I had seen and if they could shed any light on the whole situation. It was a lot to process, the whole twin thing and the fact that they might be out there somewhere. I raced to the dining hall looking dishevelled and entered with some trepidation, it would take a lot of explaining to my friends about the situation and that would take some time. Knowing them they'd be full of questions about the whole potion thing and Ember who I had grown especially close with would no doubt have her opinion heard on the matter. It was only a matter of time before they found out anyway so it was best to get it over with now.

"Oi, you lot. I have to tell you something. It's important. Kalen don't look at me like that. Alvin stop laughing, you're no morning rose yourself today"

"Okay, okay" he relented in his mocking and began to listen.

This was going to take a while, knowing them they would have ten million questions each then I would have to elaborate on every little detail.

I told them my adventures and for a moment they were very still, unlike them. Then out of the blue Ember who had been quiet the entire time spoke hesitantly.

"Ellie, what colour was the potion in the vial? Because I had a very similar if not the exact same vision not that long ago."

I turned to her in surprise, she was the last person I would have thought to have been my twin, or even remotely related to me in any way. She couldn't be... or could she?

We were so polar opposite that it made no sense, but maybe that's how the universe works. A year ago I thought she'd never be my friend, let alone twin. It felt unreal. Could this be happening?

"It was purple. What colour was yours?"

Ember looked stunned then collected herself.

"Did you say they wore a light blue shirt and a deep purple dress?"

"Yes, and they talked about twins right?"

"Yes. Ellie, I think we might be twins. I know it's crazy but it all fits."

"I know" I smiled at her, I had gone from being alone to having a twin sister in the span of a few minutes. It felt simultaneously weird and wonderful at the same time. There were no words to describe the newfound love we had for one another.

We embraced and in that moment it felt like nothing could tear us apart, we were finally reunited as sisters.

"All right, all right enough of the sappy stuff, I for one am going to do some weapons training, anyone else keen?"

We all jumped up and headed off to the training centre. I hadn't trained with Silverlight for several days and I was itching to get back into it.

We arrived at the training centre to find it empty leaving us to spread out as much as we liked. It would be good for us all to have enough space without worrying if we would hurt someone else.

We spread out and began to take swings at the dummies that were set up. After a while I began to get lost in the movements, the blade slicing precisely where I wanted it to, an extension of my arm. My muscles remembered everything, moving fluidly. I stopped, not wanting to overdo it no matter how good it felt. At this point the others had stopped too and were gathered around me.

"Why are you all gathered around me? Aren't you lot meant to be practicing?"

"Ellie... Do you know how well you fight?"

"Yeah, have you seen the way your kastane slices?"

"Woah, guys I-I'm not that good. Have you seen Naida? She's incredible with her weapons! And Kalen, Alvin I've never seen anyone beat you both in a sword fight. Ember you're the best I've seen with a spear. Raisie your pulwar work is unmatched. And my sweet Cordelia, you're the best with a kastane, I've yet to see anyone best any of you."

Cordelia spoke first. "Ellie, I don't think you know how good you are. Yes, we're all good, but we've had many years of practice. For someone that joined us a year ago, you're doing really well. You outshine us all in combat."

"Really?" I couldn't believe my ears. Was this really happening? I wasn't that good was I? I mean I could fight, but surely they were exaggerating. Right?

As I stood in slight shock I felt a strong tugging sensation.

"Guys, who's pulling me?" we all said in unison. Then we looked at each other confused.

"Oh no, not again" I groaned.

Everything faded to black.

A/N: Hello!! I am back. Uni is over for the year so expect some more frequent updates. I know it's been forever but I am hoping to get some more chapters done over the next few days and get ready to post them. What do you think of the story? Please leave a comment so I know you exist :). 
See you in the next update!
Char xx

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