Chapter 10

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We searched the wooded area until our voices were hoarse. So, barely able to speak we set off into the rest of the training. Walking in silence with nothing but our footsteps and birdsong to break the eerie stillness of the woods we soon found our way out. As soon as we had left the woods a familiar sight was before us, the gates of the castle where I was the first time I came here. If you had paused time at that very moment the looks on your faces were comical. Alvin and Kalen were impressed, yet doubtful, Ember was confused and I was just plain weirded out.

"Right. Now that the other two are gone, the game plan is to rescue them correct?"

"Yep, that's what would be the logical next move."

"Actually what would be the logical next move is not in fact to rush headfirst into things and have no plan. What we need to do is figure out where they could be, then how to get there and get them out while understanding that we can't use their powers, or attract anything so we have to be silent." Ember finished her spiel with a pointed look at Alvin, who had suggested we go look for them.

It seemed as though Ember had taken charge, and would not back down easily. I wondered about her energy, how was it that powerful? What did it mean? We then came up with a plan that would either get us killed or save our friends. Or both. We would have to see what happened. When we entered the castle, everything was eerily silent, ad there seemed to be no one about, which made the silence larger than life. It seemed to engulf us with the sheer size, and space around us enveloping each of us in a tight blanket.

"Now, we're going to spread out, in pairs and a three, so that way if we get into trouble, then we'll have at least one other person to get help. Kalen and Alvin you can go off into the west side, meet in the north tower. Ellie and I will go on the East side, and we'll join you there."

The boys looked at me with sympathetic eyes, then shrugged as if to say sorry. After they had left, Ember and I set off to find the girls. With each hallway we walked through, the panic in my chest rose, were we going to find them in time? Were they even in this castle?

Cordelia POV

They've locked me and Raisie in a dark room with no lights, the four walls protecting us, yet haunting us.

I don't know what's real anymore. Apart from the sobs from Raisie and me, there is no sound to be heard.

I don't know how long they've kept us in here, all I know is that I want to get out. I'm scared, terrified beyond belief.

I know I have to be strong for her, but I just can't do it anymore. It reminds me too much of when I was a child. The dark, the engulfing silence, the sobs, everything is too much.

And then I hear a voice. It's not Raisie, she fell asleep in my arms a while ago, and I know she's still sleeping. Is it Ellie and the others? Are they okay?

"Ellie! In here! We're in here!"

Ellie POV

As soon as I heard Cordelia's voice I ran. I somehow knew exactly where she was. Ember struggled to keep up at first, but when I slowed down she was beside me.

"Ellie, what is it? Where are they?"

"I heard Cordelia screaming, it's this way. I don't know how I know but it's this way. Please trust me."

I looked at Ember with tears in my eyes, and silently pleaded with her to trust me. Somehow, after a moment's hesitation she nodded and followed me as best she could.

"Ellie, you need to slow down. They will still be there when we get there. Just calm down. Please."

I looked at Ember, and understood. I needed to be okay for when we rescued them. I slowed to a walk, and we carried on in silence.

We neared the door to where I thought they'd be, and my heart beat so fast I thought it would burst from my body, I was that nervous and excited. I gingerly prised the door handle, but to no avail.

"Try to use your energy. Remember, it can be used for other things besides what the colour represents. Focus on the handle opening, without any resistance from it, and concentrate on that feeling of utter ease. Now try to open it without using your hands, just your energy. Feel it flow through you, and enjoy the sensation of warmth."

I did as Ember told me, and surprisingly enough I began to feel a tingling sensation in my hands, as if they were feeling the handle, and opening the door without any effort. I opened my eyes, and saw that the door had swung open a bit, so I ran forward and opened it further.

I ran in, not sure what to expect, but breathed a sigh of relief when I saw Cordelia and Raisie, huddled together in a corner of the room. When they saw me they instantly sat up, and smiled before getting up and running over to the door.

"We thought you'd never come! Did you hear me?"

As usual Cordelia was the first to speak, with Raisie close behind. I smiled, knowing the barrage of questions they would have for all of us. We walked to the north tower, and waited for the boys. When they showed up it was hugs and smiles all round before we left the castle.

As we neared the gates, I felt a jolt, as every hair on my body was standing straight up. It was a trap. There was no doubt, but what was the trap? And how would we get out of it?

A/N: I know it's late, but at least I wrote it right? I was having a bit of writer's block, so needed some time off I guess.

Sorry once again for the cliffhanger, but it was the only way I could think of finishing the chapter. So, let me know which characters you ship, and give me some ship names. I will dedicate a chapter to the one who has the most creative comment. 

This chapter is dedicated to ZelZel7 for her continued support on my story, thank you lovely. 

See you next chapter,

Charchar xox

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