Chapter 1

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  It was the first day of high school for Gilbert Lafayette, and he hardly could contain the excitement. His first year of high school, and he got to spend it with all of his friends in America. 

The bumpy bus ride was shortened, and so were his thoughts when they arrived at the school. Out of the window, he could see his closest friends waving at him. As soon as he hopped off the bus, Mulligan took the schedule out of his hand to see if they had classes together. Mulligan's smile dimmed. "We only have one class together," he said, disappointment lacing his rich voice. "Never mind that," said Lafayette, grabbing his friend's hand, leading them towards the school door.

As soon as the door opened, he was met by Laurens, Hamilton, Peggy, and Eliza. "Hey guys. What classes do you have?" asked Alexander, one hand holding onto Laurens, and the other had his schedule. "I have Math, Science, Art, English, History, German, Cooking, and Psychology," said Mulligan. The rest of the group was comparing schedules, when Lafayette was suddenly pushed into the locker, his papers went flying as he landed. 

"Hey, what is your problem?" yelled Alexander. Lafayette looked up to see Thomas Jefferson smirking down at Hamilton. "Just showing this kid who's the boss around here," he stated. With that, Jefferson swiftly turned around, only to meet a very pissed off, tall man. "Mr. Jefferson, please pick up this young man's things immediately," he said in a low voice. Thomas grumbled, picking up the papers.

 Lafayette looked at the man. He had on a light blue button down, a grey tie, and black slacks. Lafayette knew he wasn't a student by the way authority came off him in waves. As soon as Jefferson was done picking up his things, he shoved them into Laf's hands. Lafayette looked up to thank the older man, but he wasn't in sight.

As Lafayette made his way into his last class of the day, he couldn't help but wonder about the man who stood up for him. Lafayette stepped through the door to see Mulligan sitting near the back, waving to him. "Hey Laf, I saved you a seat," he said, patting the chair next to him. He quickly sat down, waiting for more students to appear. Peggy, Laurens, and Alexander came in, sitting near them. Just then, the loud voices turned quiet as the man from earlier walked in. "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, my name is Mr. Washington, and I will be your English teacher for the year," he said in a deep voice. This would be a long year.

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