Chapter 7

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Lafayette's POV

"D...Daddy, w..what are you d..doing?" Lafayette felt his back hit the desk, as he looked into the eyes of his teacher. Mr. Washington. The way his clothes would fit his large body just right, and his ass looked delicious whenever he turned to the board. "I am going to teach you a lesson, baby boy." Lafayette smiled inside, gasping when he felt Mr. Washington's hands caress his thigh, making him squirm in excitement. Washington leaned down to his ear...

Lafayette sat up in bed with a hard on evident in his thin pajama pants. Did he just have a wet dream?? About his sexy teacher??? Lafayette groaned, looking at his bedside clock. He groaned once more, lifting his legs over the bed. 

He walked into the bathroom, looking in the mirror. He looked terrible, sweating and his face redder than a tomato. He shook his head. What was wrong with him? He should not be feeling this way, especially about his teacher. His beautiful, tall, sexy... 

No, he shook his head again. He quickly got into his shower, turning the water to cold. He sighed. Maybe it's normal to be feeling this way? He washed his body of the dirty thoughts, shaking his head again. How would he face Mr. Washington tomorrow?

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